How to breed betta?

Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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So I've got 3 gal tank for both male and female betta right now, anacharis in place, what to do next?

No I haven’t, I only feed them freeze bloodworms once a week.
You'll need to actually condition them with live food for a couple of week before hand. You can't feed them while they're breeding and it can take days, longer for the male who has to mind the nest afterwards for days and works tirelessly to keep the eggs safe and then fry in the nest until they can swim.

I'd advise you to have a clear plan of what you're going to do with the fry once you've grown them out before breeding. You'll need a lot of time and recourses also. It's very involved
Sorry, I'm useless with this, I've never kept bettas, let alone bred them. My only breeding experience is with livebearers; and they're so easy, they probably don't really need me at all :D Betta look way more complicated - not only because the male and female need preparing and could kill each other if you're not on the ball, but the fry need much more dedicated care than livebearers do.

But @EllRog keeps and breeds betta, and has fry right now in fact! So I would go to him with any questions and follow his methods. @Crispii and @JuiceBox52 know a lot about bettas too. Good luck!

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