How to breed betta?

There is some great informational videos on youtube. But it seems fairly simple, i was considering doing it and have done a fair bit of research on it but i have decided to leave it for now as i asm setting up my african cichlid tank and the tank i was going to use has baby platy in there. Fish keeping world has some great advice. In regards to choosing the female if you want keep that colour go with the same coloured female but it is up to you what colour you chose but it is best if you go with a female with the same sort of fins. Hope all that makes sense.
Conditioning Females: I like to stock several young adult females in a shallow heavily vegetated tank in a location where water temperature stays in the range of 80 to 84 degrees F. Fish are feed in excess with some sort of live food that is supplemented with frozen brine shrimp. Take to not feed more than the fish with consume. My favorite live food is water fleas maintained in a culture nearby, but carefully managed mosquito larvae are also very good. If mosquitoes surviving to tumbler stage then overstocked. Freshly hatched baby brine shrimp also work, but for me harder to apply at suitable rate without having many die and degrade water quality. If females coloration allows, then look for intermittent display of vertical barring on flanks as indication of ripeness. Otherwise look for swelling of abdomen posterior to anus as that is dominated by ovarian development. Duration of conditioning last 7 to 14 days. Shorter if female in good shape and longer if starting from a spent female.

When it comes to actual spawning setups I have been more interested in natural behavior which takes more space than what is optimal for kitchen table.
It takes a lot of work, that’s for sure. You’ll need live food for the baby’s if the mates don’t kill each other.


(Picture #1 came from and Picture #2 came from
The "egg spot" ovipositor I think has a role in pheromone release. Males can smell ripe females in Bettas and several other species I have worked with.
They can. But if you only have 1 female that won’t really be helpful. ;)
Does Barry have only one female?

Barry, do you have access to lantern chimneys like linked below? If using those, then you can protect female until she ripens. You can use her behavior to as a way to assess willingness to mate. If she is not ready, then put the chimney back over her without disturbing the male's nest as much.

The following links have information on breeding Betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish).

This is all super interesting I have thought about doing this is the future

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