john starkey
Hi can some tell me how soon i can add algae eaters such as amano shrimps,otocinclus,and flying foxs after ihave set up my high tech planted tank. Thanks
I'm going to play Devil's advocate, here. If you have a hi-tech tank, and do all procedures correctly, why would you have algae?
I'm going to play Devil's advocate, here. If you have a hi-tech tank, and do all procedures correctly, why would you have algae? I don't know, though I love my little otos, I got them because I wanted them, but not to solve my algae problems. To be honest, I think that the causes of algae issues need to be addressed rather than relying on an organism to take care of it for you. It'll give you a false sense of security and won't, IMO, encourage what you should be doing, which is finding the right balance for your aquarium. I don't know, just my take on things.