How smart are your fish?


Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia.
Right now as i speak i can hear my Midas smashing the rock onto the glass on the 75g, but as soon as i walk in there he stops and swims like nothing is happening, he also trys to push the divider over but he some how knows im comeing maybe from my foot steps banging on the floor but he stops right away when i get there and hides. Another time he was juamping over the divider to fight with the black shark but when i walked into the room he would jump back over lol, i felt like smacking him! he knows what he is doing is wrong witch i think is pretty amazing.
With the oscar and blood parrot they can see me walking to the tank with there food, if i have blood worms they go nuts and start fighting over the top corner but when i bring flakes towards them nothing much really happens kinda like "yeah feed us if you want". When other people come to my tank the New Worlds just look at them and swim on not careing to much but when i goto the tank they all swim to me like im going to feed them.

Whats your story?
My bettas only accept pellets from me, not my mom. She was taking care of a few before I came home for Christmas, and they were stubborn and didn't want to eat pellets when she fed them. I came home and they started pigging out.

Too cute. :wub:
I had a male swordy who was in love with a twinbar platy. She was acting sick so I moved her into quarantine....he was frantically swimming around the tank looking for her....he ended up finding her, by jumping out of my 30gal into the 10gal (which sits at the bottom of my tank stand)...the gaps in both tanks were very small as is the gap between the tanks and the wall :S

Suffice it to say I left them both together after that :D
I had a blue botia in a 29 gallon once (when it was about 2 inches, it is re-homed now) but he was in a 29 gallon community tank with all peaceful fish. He was the only semi-aggressive fish in the tank. Pretty soon I started to see many of the fish had nipped fins. At first I thought it was the neons, but they left everyone alone and kept to themselves in their little school. So one night I had the TV on (the aquarium light was off but I could still see what was going on in the tank) and I glanced over and saw the blue botia chasing every one of the fish to the other side of the tank. I turned on the light and he swam into his cave and stayed in there until I turned it off again. Then he would come out and terrorize the fish. I thought maybe he would only do this at night, but the next morning I turned on all of the lights and left the room. I cracked the door open a tiny but and spyed on my blue botia. He was at it again, chasing and nipping at every fish he came in contact with. When I would walk into the room he would swim away into his cave. I really didn't want to get rid of him and wanted to believe he was only "playing" with the other fish. I set up a video camera and shut the door and left the room. Came back about 10 minutes later and caught him on hidden camera. He was really terrorizing all of the other fish. The next day I gave him away.
• My salt-water triggers won't accept food from anyone but me. They practically starved themselves the week I was away. :rolleyes:

• Bandit (the clown trigger) actually watched me move his roommate (Kihei, the picasso trigger) to the tank next to him... now he constantly swims up and down the side of his tank nearest to the other tank and freaks out whenever he gets a glimpse of his "friend". :blink:

• When I removed Kihei from his tank along with the rock he wedged himself into, he unwedged himself in the acclimation bucket... and refused to rewedge himself, no matter how badly I scared him!!! That is veeeeeeerrry smart if you ask me. I am sure that he knew that I would take the rock out if he wedged himself into it again. :shifty:

• The bettas jump several inches out of the tank to catch my fingers and go ballistic whenever I'm in the room. I like to call it the "happy betta dance". :D

• The guppies... well the guppies are stupid. :lol:
Hahaha... guppies really are pretty dumb.

My female bettas are so used to my hand being in the tank that they have no problems with letting me touch them and even pick them up out of the water... sometimes I'll form a ring with my fingers and they swim back and forth through it! :lol:

My oscar only begs for food from my dad... dad feeds him every time he comes in my room (which isn't often,) but I only feed him at mealtimes, so he knows it's useless to beg from me. He does the same dance every time he sees my dad as he does when he sees me holding his pellet bag or bloodworm package :p
2 of mymale cons were fighting over a female to breed with, one dug a pit and the female went with it,the other one dug a bigger pit,now i got hgundreds of little feeder cons. :p

when i removed the jewel fry from the parents and put them in a larger grow out tank i also put the parents back in the 40g which is next to the grow out tank,next morning i woke up to find the female in the grow out tank mothering her fry :lol:


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