If you want to keep the "little Fluvals" out of the new filters, there are 3 things you need to worry about to keep the bacteria happy: ammonia, oxygen and water flow.
For ammonia, you can maintain the bacteria by feeding the little Fluvals 1 ppm ammonia every 3 days or so.
The more important one is oxygen, which is equivalent to having good flow of water around the filter media. I know from your journal you will probably keep these filters here 2 or 3 weeks. Depending on how much water is in the buckets, eventually the oxygen will be depleted. Bacteria can go a couple of days with no water flow/oxygen and recover, but longer than that is risky. One option is to hang the filters on the side of the bucket (making sure the intake is under water) and keep them plugged in, in essence filtering the bucket water. This will provide oxygenation and water flow.
In short: hang the filters on the side of the bucket, plug them in, and feed 1ppm ammonia every 3 days. Water flow will also make sure the ammonia reaches the filter media.