So I have a green neon tetra (info in this topic link) that got extremely sick, long story short a giant hole appeared through the center of its body and now cottony fuzz has filled the hole and is growing out of the body. The poor thing has trouble swimming and doesn't eat. It's probably in a lot of pain, and I'm also afraid of it dying while I'm gone and the other fish feasting on its diseased body so I'm thinking its time to euthanize it. I've used clove oil to euthanize fish before but I stupidly left it at my parents house, and there isn't anywhere nearby I can easily get clove oil.
What is the best way to euthanize this fish that isn't clove oil? And by best I mean least painful for the fish and not having to chop its head off or anything. I've read some things and I'm thinking freezing, or suffocating with the CO2 from fizzy alka-seltzer tabs. I don't have fizzy alka-seltzer but I do have fizzy Jungle Water Clear (pottasium permangenate) tablets and fizzy denture cleaning tablets. Would either of those be fine or is there a better option?
What is the best way to euthanize this fish that isn't clove oil? And by best I mean least painful for the fish and not having to chop its head off or anything. I've read some things and I'm thinking freezing, or suffocating with the CO2 from fizzy alka-seltzer tabs. I don't have fizzy alka-seltzer but I do have fizzy Jungle Water Clear (pottasium permangenate) tablets and fizzy denture cleaning tablets. Would either of those be fine or is there a better option?