How Reliable Is Ph Down

Yes, probably the LFS has to tamper with it and keep it constantly lower as to be frank most fish wouldn't do well in this kind of ph anyway. That shop sells rams and gouramis for example and they wouldn't survive for long with a ph this high, so probably they got constant buffers and keep it closer to my ph than hers. Will ask her to ask them to test it.

It's just a real shame. She got my mature media and all was ready to go and she is having a rubbish start to fishkeeping. If I was her, I'd pack it all in.
It happens and its not uncommon for this to sometimes happen. And most fish do well at higher pH. The ph in all of my tanks is roughly 8.2 and I have everything from various tetras, cories, synodontis cats, sa cichlids, and mbuna, all with the same tank parameters. I do not alter the pH in any of my tanks and I have a very high survivability as far as my fish. All she needs to do, if there is an extreme difference in parameters is acclimate the fish for longer. If you have a test kit and can help her out, drip acclimatize slowly and check the pH every 15 minutes until it matches the pH of the tank. Its easiest to do this in a bucket. Your a knowledgable fishkeeper. I know with your help she can make this work :)
Thanks DM. She is getting her own test kit early next week, so will forward all the info to her.
Thank you for all your help. Salam has been an absolute star, I'd never of coped without her!
Welcome to the forum, glad you found your way here. :hi:

Thank you for all your help. Salam has been an absolute star, I'd never of coped without her!

Thanks. She would have almost fallen into the typical LFS trap by adding fish into an uncycled tank. The guy even wanted to sell her two danios to cycle the tank even though we said it had mature media. And he said 12 would fit in a 28l once it was cycled :rolleyes:
Kronos, come here anytime you have questions, or ask Salam. Even if you think it might be a stupid question :) The only stupid question is the one you failed to ask :)

And we have all been where you are at. Most of us have seen just about everything.
Kronos, come here anytime you have questions, or ask Salam. Even if you think it might be a stupid question :) The only stupid question is the one you failed to ask :)

And we have all been where you are at. Most of us have seen just about everything.

I think most of us are wearing the badge with "been there, done that" :)

I think I'm the queen of stupid questions. I can't even work my camera to take pretty pictures, all part of TFF :good:

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