How Old?


New Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Cambridge. UK
Can someone please tell me how long bettas live for and what happens when they get old?

I inherited a red betta form someone going over to marine. I've had him since december last year in a community tank (215L) where he's been fine and happy, fully cycled with correct water conditions and regular water changes. I estimate him to be about 2 yrs old.

Since last week he's seems to be having trouble. He swims about abit and feeds fine . When he stops swimming he has to prop himself up against something or he keels over to the side. I cant adjust the water current but he didn't have a problem with it before. There are no visual signs of any disease or parasites and his gills aren't moving rapidly.

Could this just be old age?
Bettas typically live to be 2-3 years old, but many factors play into determining how long the fish will live; such as how they were raised, where they have been kept, and what their diets have been like.

Old age doesn't typically kill fish, its userally some sort of disease or bacterial infection brought on my an older fish's weaker immunes system. If your fish is indeed 2 years of age i would say that he's definately old as far as bettas go, but i dont think he's old enogh to just kill over from age.

I would check all your parameters again and maybe see if u can see any other kind of symptoms on him. The behavior you have described is pretty general, there are an aweful lot of illnesses that would make a betta act that way.
2 years is getting old for a betta. I had one that was a little over 4 years (my very first betta) but he seems to be a rarety. All my other bettas usually get to be a little over 2 or 3 years old. As already mentioned, a lot depends on the conditions they've been kept in and their genes. In general, the long-finned bettas begin to find hauling those fins around very tiring--mine begin to nest in the floating plants near the surface (so they won't have to move too much to get air) and seem to find diving to the bottom of the tank to retrieve fallen food just a little difficult since they're out of shape (plant potatoes). Mine tend to get very mellow and laid back, don't go flaring around much, don't get frantic over food or seeing other fish or anything. They also seem to eat just slighly less then they used to (almost unnoticable except when you find yourself having to clean up leftover food when there used to never be leftovers ever). Otherwise, I haven't seen much change. They do have to be kept warm and clean because they will more easily come down with something. I generally like to put a young betta or two in a separate tank inside their big one just because the oldsters seem to find comfort in watching the youngsters thrash about wildly at every single thing.
Ok, thank you.

As far as I can tell with test kits all the water parametres are fine. I have a smaller tank I may move him into so he doesnt have to swim so far for food.

It's such a shame to see him like it though......
My old one was doing that too but in his case, he had tumors and then I think he had swim bladder issues as well. He's probably making sure he's lined up to get his air supply as he can't right himself like he used to but that's just speculation. I'd say the small tank is a good idea as well as taking the water level down for him so he doesn't have to work so hard. If he's a Veiltail all that finnage gets pretty heavy for the old guys too. He might be able to go on like that for quite awhile. He still has his great personality even if he's kind of disabled.....My old guy lost his abilities in stages, very slowly over time but was still so happy and so much fun. Just enjoy him as much as you can and keep us posted!
I did notice this morning that he has a white 'lump' developing in the middle of his bottom lip. Doesn't look like whitespot, more under the skin.

I shall move him and get some medication for him. Not much else I can do I guess.

He certainly is a personality and has the most beautiful VT fins.

I'll see if I can get a good pic of him and post it.
Ah oldest one is slowing down and doesnt eat that much now. He has the largest tank and spends most of his time sitting on top of his real plant then when I peer in the tank he leaps out at me and flares.. :lol: He likes it at night as he is next to a table lamp and he can watch us watching tele. :rolleyes:
Just an update. He looks sooooooooooo much better today.
Treated tank fungal treatment yesterday, he's already had peas and treated for internal bacteria.
No idea what was up but he stays upright by himself now :good:

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