How oftern should i do a 25% water change?

I do 20% weekly but it depends on the size of your tank, the fish, filter and your levels IMO. Some people have to do hardly any and are fine.

I have a highly stocked large tropical tanks and a coldwater tank which I feel definatley need 20% weekly. I even thought about doiing a mid-week change in my coldwater tank even though the levels are ok!
There's a question of how often you need to do it and how often you should do it.

Water changes are beneficial in every way. With every water change you dilute nitrates and other negetive elements in the water, and replenish the positive elements. Over time the nitrogen cycle will gradually drive down the PH, so water changes stabelizes this. As far as I'm concerned they are the best thing one can do for the fish. I do water changes every week even in my understocked tanks because it doesn't take long, and I can rest easy knowing my tanks are always pristine.

Talking about basic maintenance, you can judge how much you need to change by measuring nitrates before each one and noting it down. You want to change the water as often as it takes to keep nitrates from climbing past a certain level, this might be twice a week, or every two months.
thecichlidaddict said:
There's a question of how often you need to do it and how often you should do it.

Water changes are beneficial in every way. With every water change you dilute nitrates and other negetive elements in the water, and replenish the positive elements. Over time the nitrogen cycle will gradually drive down the PH, so water changes stabelizes this. As far as I'm concerned they are the best thing one can do for the fish. I do water changes every week even in my understocked tanks because it doesn't take long, and I can rest easy knowing my tanks are always pristine.

Talking about basic maintenance, you can judge how much you need to change by measuring nitrates before each one and noting it down. You want to change the water as often as it takes to keep nitrates from climbing past a certain level, this might be twice a week, or every two months.
once a week if you need it or not . Think of it as a breath of fresh air .
Water changes also depend on how stocked your tank is and the amount of food you put in. With more fish and heavy feedings, those ammonia and nitrite levels will want to climb making the environment posionous, therefor more water changes should be done. But if your not overfeeding nor overcrowding your tank once a week or maybe even once every 10 days should be alright. I do 20% every week :)

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