How Often Will Albino Corys Spawn

hi stiffler69

as often as once a week if keept in good condition just feed them more than usual then do a 25% water change and add cool water to stimulate them to spawn :good:
Thats great i dont think the eggs i managed to net up are going to hatch one lot have funguessed and the others look like they may go the same way so hopefully the next lot will more successful thanks.
try adding some meth blue on your next batch
but dont give up hope on them just yet as some one on here had some hatch
after they got fungues on them :good:
Hi stiffler69 :0

Cory eggs are delicate and can be easily damaged, which will result in fungus setting in. When they are newly laid they are very soft and should not be moved unless they are about to be eaten. Within a few hours they will firm up and be easier move yet still be sticky to the touch. This is the best time to move them and will result in the least amount of damage if care is taken. You can stick the on the side of another container for hatching and keep a little room between them for the water to circulate.

After another period of time they firm up still more and lose their stickiness. If you move them then, they will fall to the bottom of the container and end up in a pile where the moving water can't reach the innermost ones. Some will be fine, perhaps all, but there is more risk of fungus.

What species of corys are spawning?
Hi thanks for the replys they are albino corys not sure on their correct name not to up with names yet just the common ones they spawned again today alot more this time i didnt notice them till afternoon time and moved them to the trap where they fell straight to the bottom so they must of hardened a fair bit, ive added some meth blue and i have a air stone running underneather the trap since its a floating trap its floating around the tank and constantly has water flow onto it so imagine also flowing through it aswell.

I could do with alot more info on these like how long it takes to hatch, and how hard they are to care for is their a sticky on the forum with this info thanks.
There is a sticky at the top, Frequently asked questions. Sp00ky also has a good article that he offers. You'll have to hunt him down for the link. I might look for it later.

I'm sorry, it wasn't Sp00ky, and I am still morning numb. :blink: I can't think. I will have to offer the name later of the article. :blush:
Hi stiffler69 :0

If your albino corys look like this, they are albino C. aeneus:


By all means, take a look at geo7x's fine article here:

That will give you some overview of what's involved. Then, when you post back here, you will be able to ask more specific questions and we'll be able to help you better.

thanks for all the help that is the ones i have currently have around 50 eggs all turning a organe colour, ive now placed the air stone inside the trap and i have place and stuck the trap right in the flow of the filter so there is fresh water flowing through the side of the trap now, just concerned they swim out of the trap if they are small enough to fit through the gaps i may loose a couple and dont want to revert back to the net as that catchs far too much dirt on it, so ive got some old margarine tubs on stand by.

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