How often to feed fish ?

fishy business

New Member
Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
essex, uk
I normally feed them about 3-4 times a day, with a pinch or two, they gobble this up in about 30 seconds, is this right ?
I only feed my fish once a day.....and for one day a week they get no food. :)
as I was cycling with fish I fed only tiny amounts every other day to start with and even now the tank is mature I have stuck with this routine but increased the quantity.

I dont think there is any right or wrong way :/ it is just what works for you
Generally, I think, twice a day is fine. What I do is feed mine a little bit at a time, and once they've snapped that all up, feed them a little more, until their appetite diminishes. I think this way you won't overfeed or underfeed. Hope this helps. :)
I feed mine once every 3 days. Thats what i was told by the fish seller :/
I have no routine, sometime once a day, sometime twice, sometimes more, but always in little bits and I miss an odd day here and there, this I feel is more like real life where their food isn't always on tap at regular times, plus it means they are usually happy to see me cos I Might feed them :shifty:

Feeding fish generally depends on what type of fish you have. If you have large predatory fish, large meaty meals fed only 2 or 3 times a week are appropriate, where as if you have African cichlids, 3-4 small daily feedings are ideal to lessen aggression.
Both of my tanks are typical community's, so they get fed small amounts once in the morning and once at night, and either shrimp pellets or algae wafers after lights out. :)
So if you had a 55g tropical community tank or 55g cichlid tank it wouldn't be ok to feed them frozen blood worms or brine shrimp every few days? Is it not good to feed them this all the time. I would drop wafers or shrimp pellets for them to nibble between meals. What would all of you suggest? I like feeding frozen foods better for some reason, but think everyday is too much food and think I have read it isn't good for your fish. Any suggestions?

Wow, I think I'm feeding my babies a little too much, judging by the previous comments.

I have angels, clowns, sharks, mollies, tetras, bettas & catfish etc, and they get a mixture of tubifex, flakes & plankton twice a day, then shrimp & live bloodworms at lunch, + spirulina for the catfish twice a day (as I have no algea growing).

And they still act like I'm starving them!
wow 3 and 4 times a day!! :lol:

I feed mine once every other day! Fish don't need as much food as we do and there's plenty of food around in the tank, they just have to look for it. Making them more active and the tank more clean.


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