How often should I test water?

During a cycle, you should test often (everyday or every other day), so you know where the tank is in the cycle.

Once things are stable, you can test less. Basically, if there are problems in the tank or you get some unusual readings, you should test more often. If things are running smoothly and the fish are happy, you can get away with testing only once per week or so.
When my last tank was cycling I only tested it once a week and now that it is cycled I only test about every week. The same with my other tanks. Unless something dies and sits there for more than a few hours, usually there's no drastic change in the water conditions.
I plan on pretty much testing once a week to make sure things are going ok :)
The advice given to you is solid. Check every week unless something is not right. Like the activity levelof a particular fish or group of fish, smell of water, color of water, fading of fish colors. So as long as you watch the fish and their condition you will be fine with weekly checks. Good Luck :)
I was wondering about that. I mean, these chemicals are not exactly cheap. I only tested PH and Amonia so far, but I can't imagine doing this daily!


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