How often do i clean out

undergravel filters arent very good filtration wise for goldies. they need a strong filter that turns the water over 10 times in each hour and ugf just dont do it.

afraid i have to disagree here an undergravel filter fitted with a power head will turn the water more than 10 times an hour as it draws the water down through the gravel and up through the tubes ,i have 2 fitted to a 5ft tank and i clean below the tray once a month the water is crystal clear and the stats are spot on i only need to do a total clean up once every 6 mnth gravel vac etc

the bucket idea is an exellent way to measure for the water change

you leave in 2 thirds of the water ie only empty the top third of the tank then top it back up with fresh but dechlorinated water

lol it sort of reminds me of a flat tyre :rofl: :rofl: you only need to blow it up cos its flat at the bottom :p

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