How often and how much...

Well I have all kinds of fish so it depends on whats in the tank :lol:

In my 55g goldfish tank...I do 50% water changes every other day Since there not cleanist fish around lol...but I love yem! :D

In the other 4 55gs I do 50% water changes/Vacs. everyweek. Everytime I do that the fish are more active and the water is sparkling! it also helps the filters out :nod:

In my 29g I do 40% water changes every week.
In my 20g I do 30% water changes every week.
In the 75g I am going to do 50% water changes. (Its in its first week lol)
Once the 125g Is complete...well I dont know yet :dunno:
20% once a week if I can get away with it, cos my dad hates me doing water changes cos he thinks it kills the fish. :rolleyes: So sometimes I have to skip one. :( I try to do it while he's out though.
Well for the first time in like... months I changed the whole thing, and once a week I normally change half the water.
75 gallon tank twice a week. 25 to 30 percent

10 gallon tank twice a week 10 to 20 percent

Sometimes I will do extra one on 75 gallon. I work at home alot, tank in my office, bathroom close by and python. Very easy both tanks in aboout 12 min, maybe not that long. :D :D :D :D
Let's seeee here... These are mostly gravel vacs too..

10 gallon - 20-25% twice weekly, I've got Mister Sensitive the Gold Ram in there.. so I'm extra careful, plus the danios are dirty pigs
2.5's - 40-50% weekly
6 & 3 - apprx. 20% weekly
5.5 (fry tank) - daily 20% (or more)
betta tanks - 40-50% twice a week, with turkey baster
i do 10-20% water change in my 30 gallon once a week. I monitor my water parameters to see if I need to make more water changes.. Three weeks ago, my ammonia and nitrites were out of control and I had to do 3 water changes in 12 hours.
Fawke said:
RO Unit???, no, not really, my Water/C brings it down to 25, still a tad high tho.....
Didn't you wrote earlier that in your tap water NO3- level is about 40mg/l? Probably I undesrtood it wrong...

RO = reverse-osmosis (it purifies water).

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