How Much Water Flow/current...

The shape is right, but mine don't have the orange on the fins. :/
If they do breed... will the fry be albino or maybe regular? :blink:
If there is a regular one then I could find out what they are for sure. :D

A few of my peppered eggs are hatching :hyper:

Thanks for helping!
If they are peppers they will join the pepper spawn. If they breed stricktly with albinos, I am guessing that since albinoism is resessive and means the absence of dominant genes, the offspring will be albino. If they mix in the spawn there will be regular and albino fry.

Congrats on the fry!
They didn't join the pepper's spawns. They stayed away from them. I guess they aren't peppers then. This is turning out to be difficult.
They didn't hang with the 2 bronze I have either.
They split up and stayed around the elegans. (which also stayed apart most of the time) The 2 elegans have decided to hang together now leaving the albinos on their own. (one on each side of the tank.)
They look very sad laying there alone. I want to get them some friends, but I don't know what kind to get.

My fry are so hard to find in that tank. They blend in with the sand. I do see them moving around some, but I have no way of knowing how many I actually have. I know 28 wiggled when hatching. I really hope I don't lose them this time.

Thanks Again :good:

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