How Much Stock To Add


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2011
Reaction score
Jersey C.I.
I just finished my main community tank so started on my other tank today :)

The tank is Juwel Rio 300 and fully cycled, I have been to the beach and got about 50 lovely flat pebbles and made some hiding holes and caves.
So far there is only a small covering of pea gravel but i plan to add coral sand or maybe play sand.

Someone is selling electric yellow cichlids very cheap, but he says he has various colours and wants to reduce his stock.


Would stocking with 30 or more be advisable with daily water changes until the filters build up?
The tank has guppies in at the moment, the adults will be transferred to my main tank tomorrow.
this has nothing to do with your question but how did you clean the pebbles?

Would 30 electric yellow be a bit to much
You have posted this in the wrong section, post it in the 'Old World' section :)
I noticed it was the wrong section after posting :good:

There not all yellow the guy said he had a mix, i dont want all the same.

I collected the pebbles from the beach and they were very clean and didnt need scrubbing, i washed them and baked in the oven for 20 minutes 180f :shout: then washed them again.
After adding them i done a large water change.
I don't even bother, i just wash em and dump em in, had my pebbles in my tank for years and never lose fish ever :p
Thank you :) I live a couple of metres from the beach and I've set up new tank so I might aswel get some large pebbles :D
I live on a little island so its full of beaches, i picked one thats full of pebbles and picked flat smooth ones so there easy to stack.

Here is a pic of it so far, but i will most likely change it around


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