How Much Liverock Should I Use?


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2006
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My tank measures 48inches x 24inches x 24inches
I think thats about 500litres
My question is how much live rock should I use?

I plan to have a sump with a deltec 600 skimmer and live sand.
I'll also be investing in a RO unit, any recommendations? not to costly either!
Ok first, Is your friend ;)

A tank with those dimensions is 120 US gallons. Given that volume you should have a bare minimum of 120lbs of LR, and 160-180 would be a little more reccomended. Also, a tank that size is a good candidate for UV or Ozone sterilization to keep things like bacteria or parasites at bay. Most atnks 50g and up are excellent candidates for this. My own included :)
Ok first, Is your friend ;)

A tank with those dimensions is 120 US gallons. Given that volume you should have a bare minimum of 120lbs of LR, and 160-180 would be a little more reccomended. Also, a tank that size is a good candidate for UV or Ozone sterilization to keep things like bacteria or parasites at bay. Most atnks 50g and up are excellent candidates for this. My own included :)
Thanks Skifletch

also The tank is drilled with two 35mm tubes running to the surface to bring water to the sump
I've a 70litre tank which I'm going to turn into a sump and I'm looking for a quiet return pump
where does the UV light go? sorry may sound like a silly question :good:
Well, UV sterilizers are sealed chambers with a UV bulb in the middle. Water passes between the dark outer walls and the sealed bulb to be exposed to UV light. The UV or ozone, kills microbs (bactiera/parasites) and does other water sterilization. They usually go in-line with the return pump from the sump. :good:
I would use 120-200 lbs of live rock.

Also if you use a UV unit I would use it independant of your return. If it is on your return it will kill beneficial organisms such as pods before they have a chance to get to and populate your tank.

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