How much have you spent on the hobby?

How much have you spent on the hobby? (Estimate)

  • $0 - $100

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • $100 -$200

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $200 - $400

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • $400 - $600

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • $600 - $800

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • $800 - $1,000

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • Over $1,000

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Over $2,000

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • More?? (If so, explain)

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • “I don’t want to answer, because it will probably hurt ?”

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
Yep!! I watched the timer go down on eBay, I thought it was going to shoot up in the last minute or so but it stayed so low!! I near enough screamed when I saw the final price!
Problem I have is my partner can not see past the dirt etc on some of the 2nd hand aquariums and is all errr I’m not having that in the house. I bought the below pictured for £60. I thought I’d was a bargain. When my partner saw it he was like erm I’m not having that in the living room. He wanted something more streamline and with everything in it ready. That’s how I ended up with the 180l Juwel vision led with the light filter etc. We paid £250 for that. Then it cost me £60 for my gravel, god knows how much in artificial plants and ornaments (I now hate them after seeing all the natural tanks) testing kit, water dechlorinator etc etc you know the gist everything you need to start. Around £130 for my fish. I’m now saving to order some dragon stone/lava rocks, wood and plants. My partner told me to put the below tank up for sale and I’ve had tons of messages but I’ve just ignored them all ?and told my partner nobody is going to be interested in. Secretly I’m planning what o can put in it and I’m going to have it in my bedroom ?. So if you have any ideas fire away x


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Problem I have is my partner can not see past the dirt etc on some of the 2nd hand aquariums and is all errr I’m not having that in the house. I bought the below pictured for £60. I thought I’d was a bargain. When my partner saw it he was like erm I’m not having that in the living room. He wanted something more streamline and with everything in it ready. That’s how I ended up with the 180l Juwel vision led with the light filter etc. We paid £250 for that. Then it cost me £60 for my gravel, god knows how much in artificial plants and ornaments (I now hate them after seeing all the natural tanks) testing kit, water dechlorinator etc etc you know the gist everything you need to start. Around £130 for my fish. I’m now saving to order some dragon stone/lava rocks, wood and plants. My partner told me to put the below tank up for sale and I’ve had tons of messages but I’ve just ignored them all ?and told my partner nobody is going to be interested in. Secretly I’m planning what o can put in it and I’m going to have it in my bedroom ?. So if you have any ideas fire away x
Lol, try to keep it! :rofl:

That sounds like a pretty good price for a Juwel - those are nice tanks.

All of my tanks are also a lot smaller than yours!


I had to change my total to over $800. I think I’ve spent over $250 on my new saltwater tank. (Not counting the stock I am still going to get)
Problem I have is my partner can not see past the dirt etc on some of the 2nd hand aquariums and is all errr I’m not having that in the house. I bought the below pictured for £60. I thought I’d was a bargain. When my partner saw it he was like erm I’m not having that in the living room. He wanted something more streamline and with everything in it ready. That’s how I ended up with the 180l Juwel vision led with the light filter etc. We paid £250 for that. Then it cost me £60 for my gravel, god knows how much in artificial plants and ornaments (I now hate them after seeing all the natural tanks) testing kit, water dechlorinator etc etc you know the gist everything you need to start. Around £130 for my fish. I’m now saving to order some dragon stone/lava rocks, wood and plants. My partner told me to put the below tank up for sale and I’ve had tons of messages but I’ve just ignored them all ?and told my partner nobody is going to be interested in. Secretly I’m planning what o can put in it and I’m going to have it in my bedroom ?. So if you have any ideas fire away x
Also seen this on marketplace... so tempted


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Far too much
  1. 2 - 10 Gallon Tanks
  2. 1 - 20 Gallon
  3. 1 - 37 Gallon
  4. 1 - 60 Gallon
Each with LED lights, heaters, Aquaclear filters, some with Florite sand, later with aquarium soil and auto feeders when I go one extended kayaking trips (Son looks in on the fish during these events). One home built cedar tank stand. Numerous trips to collect driftwood, sand, gravel, and rocks.

The livestock is the least expensive cost.
Thousands here too, spread over 49 years. My tanks are in storage right now, but for a long time I was spending £10 a week on frozen food alone...
I have about 700 dollars in corals. 300 into the tank, and 80 into fish and snails/hermit crabs
Dang... I can see why “expensive coral” memes are so true. :X50E34E19-90DB-4732-B513-4DD7FFB776DC.jpeg
400 for my tank and filter
filter broke, so +75
Added sponge filter +20
New heater suction cups +10
Hose accessories for water changes +20
Pond Liner +50
Barrels +125
Congo Tetras +200
Delhezi Bichir +30
Cory Catfish +30
Decor +200
Gravel +10
Sand +10
Plants +50
Cleaning Set +50
API Aquarium Test Thingy +25
Aquarium Salt and other Treatments +70
BioMedia for filter +40
Rosy Barbs +30
Carpet Cleaner (long story) 25
5 Gallon Buckets +15

Ill do math later.
I could have bought a house with the money I wasted on fish.
eg. when I killed my fish in 2006, I buried an estimated $18,000.00 worth of fish. That was just fish and had nothing to do with the money I spent on tanks, lights filters, plants, etc. And I got my stuff at cost price because I worked in a shop.

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