How Much Have You Paid For A Single Fish?


I think the clownfish (tank bred true perc) was $20, $30 for the firefish (both from the lfs) and then the clown goby was $7 (plus shipping from liveaquaria).
most i have paid is 80 GBP (great british pounds) and my porki pine puffer hes 8" in lengh and puffs up if you look at him funny he is very cute thou :) :alien: :wub:
Ummm -- 45$ for each of my black clowns - 20$ for my fridmani psuedochromis - -12$ for my bengaii cardnal
10 bucks max I dont by fish over 50 dollars thats gay what if they die the second day you have them
Solid shark, Gay isn't a derogatory that I take kindly too, please clean up your language. Our fish tend not to die the second day we have them beacause we tend to take great care of our tanks.
10 bucks max I dont by fish over 50 dollars thats gay what if they die the second day you have them

are homosexual people better are keeping a fish alive for than a day then? As a hetrosexual male i'm offened that my fish keeping should be viewed as lesser than that of someone else.
Well in a tank of my size it would take a long time for me to find fish that are under $10 and look right for the system :/
If you get your fish from a reputable dealer who acclimatises their fishproperly then in most cases the fish have no reason to drop dea within 24 hours of purchase. If they d then im sorry to say its probably down to the neglect of the new owner :/
10 bucks max I dont by fish over 50 dollars thats gay what if they die the second day you have them

are homosexual people better are keeping a fish alive for than a day then? As a hetrosexual male i'm offened that my fish keeping should be viewed as lesser than that of someone else.

this person is only 12 years old and this launguage is probly due to his age. i know im in high school and this term tends to be very common.
10 bucks max I dont by fish over 50 dollars thats gay what if they die the second day you have them

are homosexual people better are keeping a fish alive for than a day then? As a hetrosexual male i'm offened that my fish keeping should be viewed as lesser than that of someone else.

this person is only 12 years old and this launguage is probly due to his age. i know im in high school and this term tends to be very common.

if he's in school then he should be used to be being told right from wrong....he can regard this as a free lesson.
10 bucks max I dont by fish over 50 dollars thats gay what if they die the second day you have them

are homosexual people better are keeping a fish alive for than a day then? As a hetrosexual male i'm offened that my fish keeping should be viewed as lesser than that of someone else.

this person is only 12 years old and this launguage is probly due to his age. i know im in high school and this term tends to be very common.

if he's in school then he should be used to be being told right from wrong....he can regard this as a free lesson.

Im in high school too, the other people dont say it that much. You must not have a very cool tank if you dont spend more than ten bucks on a fish SS :/ Correct me if im wrong, it was just an assumtion.

All you have to do is keep a good tank, you dont have to be homosexual to keep nice fish. Saying that someone is gay is actually a form of racism- definetly not appropriate for a forum of all cultures and religions. Im heterosexual as well, that doesnt mean i have to hate or look down upon homosexual people.
Alexander the great was supposedly homosexual, yet he forged the largest empire ever known.
Just dont say it, itll save everyone from trouble.

Back to the proper subject, i often spend around 40 or below on SW fish. I dont think i have ever purchased a FW for more than thirty. I do plan to buy some very expensive SW fish when i upgrade the tank.
I havent spent any money on fish yet but i've done my research and will be spending $55.50 all together on the fish i'm getting. :)
I think SS never ment gay is in the homosexual way,
unfortunatly theres some kids that do say "that's gay" for example, but that really mean "Thats stupid" or "that's not cool"

But they're not saying Gays are stupid or un cool or anything, its just a slang term used.
But still doesn't make it right, like Opcn said.
gay? homosexual? I thought gay meant happy? I know that I wouldnt be happy if my 45$ fish kicked the bucket on day 2. LOL...that kid must ride on the short bus. Gay means happy...look it up kiddo.

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