How Much Do You Spend


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
at the moment in one week im spending £10 on river shrimp £12 on 5 packets of frozen bloodworm £5 on a bag of mussles and £8 on earthworms.i almost spend as much on food for the fish as i do for the kids :lol:
I spend roughly £40 a month on fish food, some things like bloodworm in a 1/2 kilo slab and kilo bags of mussels cockles and sprats i buy monthly, other stuff like whitebait, prawns and live shrimp i buy weekly so the weekly ammount varies as to what needs replacing when.

Why are you buying little packs of bloodworm? I presume you use Ashford aquatics in Vermulens garden center sometimes? Just ask behind the counter for the 1/2 kilo or 1 kilo packs of bloodworm, 1/2 a kilo is £6.50 i think and a kilo is about £12, i preffer the 1/2 kilo packs as they can be snapped easily where as the kilo ones need beating with a hammer and that can get messy.
ive never been to that lfs and i didnt know you could buy them in slabs.i only recently started getting them coz of my little motoro i dont usually bother none of my fish eat them.thanks for the heads up :good:
I've spent $20 in the last week on bloodworms, tubifex worms, daphnia, algae wafers, and goldfish food for a rescue goldfish I recently acquired that was being kept in a 2.5gal tank, but that food will last me a couple months.
luckly for me kribensis sell well in the area so i can pass them on to them and exchange for foods so it saves me a bit but still paying about £5.00 a week for frozon food that is a lot when u r starting up your marine tank and back on a job hunt.
Luckily I only have two bettas and an apple snail... so probably less than $1 per week. Tubs of betta pellets last for years - literally. But when I get a job I shall be able to buy more tanks and fish, then I will spend more on food.
Mine don't eat much, and a lot of it is waste from the kitchen- that little bit of lettuce the kids didn't want, a couple of extra peas when we were having peas with our chops. About a pound a week I reckon, including the bloodworm etc.
Not a lot.

I buy bloodworm by the kilo (part of me enjoys the hitting it with a hammer) and about once every month I replace either a pot of floating pellets or sinking pellets.

Add to that a small pack of marine mix every 2.5 to 3 months, and I now purchase sprats and muscles from the fish sheds.

Buying seafood from lfs is so much more expensive than from the people who catch them.
Yeah never buy frozen sea foods from the lfs, they usually charge twice as much for half the ammount and the quality is rubbish. I buy all my fish food apart from the bloodworm and live shrimp from the fish mongers or the super market.

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