how much different are Echinodorus Grandifolius, to grow, than Anubias

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I'm looking for a tall sturdy plant for my 24 inch deep mid sized south american cichlid tank... over time, I'd like each tank to be truly as regional as possible... I have an Anubias Congensis, in my African tank, that is growing really well, that tank is also 24 inches deep, and the tallest leaves are brushing the surface... looking at South American plants that would grow similarly to the Congensis... I found on line the Grandfolius... I'm not adding fertilizer for the Anubias... just wondering if I could grow the Grandfolia similarly???
everything I'm reading, sounds like most Amazon swords, are heavy feeders, requiring additional fertilizer... so any suggestions would be great... I may end up putting the Congensis, in this tank as well, as I can't believe how perfect it is for the size of the tank, and my lack of desire to add additional fertilizers...
Amazon swords are primarily root feeders. So you're looking at 1-3 root tabs per month depending on the size of the plant. Other than slow growers like Anubias, they are about as low maintenance as a plant can get.
Maybe check out the Red Rubin sword as well, it gets nice and big and shows some red coloration in the leaves.
Swords are for sure heavy root feeders. They also need somewhat deep substrate- think 3-4 inches. The also get wide as well as tall. I was not familiar with this species so I had to do a bit or research. Aside from the ferts you should not need much else. Unlike many sworeds this one is pretty easy and grows to about 20 inches. It does OK in moderate lighting. It is slower growing than most swords.

When I did a sword plant in my 50 gal, high tech co2 added tank I would start with one a few inches tall and within 3 months had to give it away as the tank is only 19 inches tall and then the 3 inches of substrate reduces that to 16 inches. You should be OK for some time with many swords and the one you are asking about should be fine if you give it what it needs.

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