How Much Dechlorinator

Thank you to everyone for finally getting me to understand about the whole water cycle and conditions.

I am going to empty my tank tomorrow and let it dry for a week. I've got to make some changes (not exactly sure what I did to cause this problem) I put a guppy into the tank from a small make shift quarantine tank. He started showing extreme distress after only 15 minutes. He was panting and tried jumping out of the tank. He also changed colours. Something is seriously wrong here. After going back into his original tank, he is lying at the bottom and looks so sad.(now 16 hours later).

I have made notes, and after I completely dry things out, I think I am pretty sure what is going on with the water and chemicals now. Thanks for the info.
usually you need to add 1 mill per gall of dechlor, i wouldnt worry about oD'ing on it either, i used to put way too much in my betta tank and it actually gave the water a vivd blue tint, didnt affect the fish at all.
After doing some more research on the web, I think I have made all kinds of mistakes. Dechlorinator isn't what I should be concerned about. Fairly certain the last fish I moved suffered from ph shock. I was checking out some things about the tank and equiptment and learned that there is so much that will change the water and environment. Heat, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide, ph lowering, water agitation. These all go hand in hand and can effect the balance of the water.

So much to learn. Really glad to hear that the overdosing isn't a big deal. Tired of test tubes and all that measuring to be accurate with the stuff.

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