How Much Can I Run Off A Double Socket?

David J

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland

I am setting up my QT tank and obviously need power for the heater, filter and lights. The space I have for it is near my computer. There is a double wall socket. In one side I have a 4way extension that the computer, monitor and printer are plugged into and in the other I intend to put the QT tank heater, filter and light on a 2nd 4 way extension.

What I am wondering is if its safe. Is it too much plugged into a double socket? The extension with the computer equipment is only on twice a week max. The QT tank heater is 100w, the filter is a fluval U2 which i believe is 5w and the light is a small cheap light with 5 LED bulbs.

Anyone any idea?

its perfectly fine, thats very little draw on an outlet unless you have a massive gaming computer or something.
Cool, I thought so but didnt want to take a chance. The computer is your average computer but hardly on at all. Thanks for replying,

That should be ok. But would not put any more than 2 x 4 plug extension since the output is not particularly high at the moment.
If you are worried then might be worth running a spur off that double socket so that you would have 2 double sockets side by side, one double socket for just computer stuff, and the other double socket just for your tank equipment.
Just an idea! 
Ch4rlie said:
That should be ok. But would not put any more than 2 x 4 plug extension since the output is not particularly high at the moment.
If you are worried then might be worth running a spur off that double socket so that you would have 2 double sockets side by side, one double socket for just computer stuff, and the other double socket just for your tank equipment.
Just an idea! :)

I was intending on having 2 four way extensions, one off each side of the double socket. I'm not sure what you mean by run a spur. I know nothing about electrics.

I figure that because I've got my main tank running off a 4 way, the small QT tank will use less power than the main one therefore it should be fine.

Is there any real benefit on buying a surge protected extension for. Fish tanks?

Surge protection is basically used for any electrical device that could react to power spikes.
Basically appliances are at risk of damage in a power surge, i.e power storms, lightning, sometimes power station gives small power surge in cases of sudden spikes of power demands to households. Even something simple as switching off your fridge can cause a very small power surge as the sudden drop in electric demands causes a small power surge to your other devices.
But never rely on your extension surge protector to protect your PC for example in the case of a lightning storm, best case is to actually unplug the PC. It is  rare that an electrical storm will actually cause this to happen though.
Having protection on an extension lead just because it's an extension makes not much difference.  By all means protect something like your PC, TV and stereo but most household appliances can withstand small differences in voltage.
Having said that, having overload protection or high amps is a good idea. Better to be safe than sorry is what I always say. I have power surge extensions on all of mine! A bit more pricey but more peace of mind! 
What you've said is fine, 2 x 4 gang sockets are no problem, nor is the power draw (wattage).

Current is the thing to be mindful of with several devices plugged into the same outlet. On each individual 4-gang extension, it should tell you not to overload it with 'x' amount of current, or words to that effect.

Surge protectors are good and 'could' prevent damage during a surge... I'd rather have them than not....
That's great. Thanks folks. I'm gonna go for a surge protected extension but put my computer etc on it and just use the existing one for the QT tank. I might put a surge protected one on both tanks eventually.

Thanks again,

If my memory serves me correctly way back to my Apprentice days I think it's something around 3000w per outlet (wall socket in the UK) maximum, so providing the total wattage that you have plugged into your extension sockets doesn't exceed 3 Kw you'll be fine, surge protectors are only really required to protect sensitive electronic devices, 
Cheers kirky, looks like I have nothing to worry about. Got it all up and running now. New fish coming later.

Thanks to all
OK, while splitting an outlet is never the best option, there is nothing wrong with it.  Don't worry, a fish tank can never have enough juice to overdraw a single recepticle.  Splitting it is not much different then adding a new outlet on the same circuit.
What you should be concerned with is the availible amperage on the circuit as a whole.  In the US most circuits are between 10 and 20 amps, I don't know about other countries.  Add up the amps on the whole entire circuit, check the amp number on the corresponding circuit/fuse on the box.  If what is plugged in is less then what is written, your good to go.
Fun fact;  Apollo 13 had 43 availible amps.  That wouldn't even come close to powering a modern household kitchen.  Tell that to your wife the next time she complains there isn't enough power for the hair dryer.
Information source: 5th Generation union electrician....the first to actually finish college and become something else eventually.

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