How Many


New Member
Jul 2, 2004
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Hi again,

After realising that LFS know very little, I tought I would run this question past you guys.

In my Uno 500 tropical tank 9 UK gallons (37.5 Litres) I was told I could have 15 (by one LFS) 20 (by another) fish the size of Platys and Guppies in there.

Is This Right??? :S
Nope, absolutely wrong.

A good rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish (excluding tails) per gallon of water.

Phantom Thief said:
Nope, absolutely wrong.

A good rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish (excluding tails) per gallon of water.

That may work on some occasions, but it depends on the fish, you could keep ten neons in a ten gallon, but could you put a ten inch oscar in a ten gallon? It usually works for fish 1-4 inches in my opinion, anything bigger, don't use it :D

it seems everyone loves saying that. i said it is a GOOD RULE OF THUMB. but anyway, good point there.

Well I've already got,

4 platies (1 male 3 females)

3 Guppies (3 males)

I wanted to add 3 female guppies and 6 neons

So that would be 16 in total

Would this be a really bad idea do you think.

My tank is about 9 UK gallons (37.5 litres)
if you have 3 guppy males then you would be better off gettiing 5-6 females rather than the neons. The males will drive the females crazy, this will stress them out and cause disease or death, which we dont want. Otherwise i would not get any females and add the 6 neons. HTH :)
Hi Iceangel (cool name) try this link
fish calculator

All you do is put in the dimensions and click get information
at the bottom of the page it gives you how many fish you can have in that tank
you can change the % to whatever you want, so if you want 100% small fish just change the other boxes to zero and small to 100. HTH :D

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