How many

It depends. How do you plan to devide it?
If you are not going to do that then the answer is one. (male)
If female only, some folks have success with keeping some girls together - not a rule though as even the lasses can damage or kill one another.

I've kept a male and a female in that size and they got along well. In my case the male was pretty easygoing for a betta and didn't chase the female much, if at all. The female was a nastier one though, at least towards the other fish in the tank, but she never tried to attack the male. I wouldn't have dared get another female in there because of her aggressiveness.

I guess my point is that it depends a lot on the personality of the fish. I know of people who have kept 1 male and 2 females in that size succesfully, but also of others that have had one attack the others. So you see, it's a bit difficult to give advice on this. ;)

If the tank is planted as full as it can get, you could try the 1 male 2 females combo. In my opinion that's a good number, because all the fish will still get some personal space in the tank. As they are a bit territorial, personal space is needed!

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