How Many


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2006
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How many litres an hour do small sponge filters need?as i need to buy a pump capable of running 70ish 18x12,24x12 tanks
I like to see a steady flow of air, course the faster the better. What sore of fish u want to keep in their and what sort of numbers.

As for an air pump i just serviced an Blagdon Koi-air 65 (65 litres/min) and it's easy to service and only needs doing ever 2-3 years.
at 65 l/m you have loads of air per filter.
Hi-blow is another pump i would recomend.

When i had 50 tanks doing similar i used to have several small pumps running 10-12 tanks so equalising the pressure was much easier and if one air line works lose leaking it only reduce pressure on these tanks and not all of them.
Go as big as you can afford and make up a ring of PVC pipe around the room. Have the PVC pipe above the tanks and join the pump to one end of it. Then tap into the pipe with little airline taps and bleed the air off to the tanks. You can use black poly pipe (reticulation pipe) instead and most reticulation stores sell little adjustable valves that go straight into the pipe. It makes it really easy to do.

You can port the bigger pumps/ blowers and get more air out of them. It does void the warranty but allows the pump to work more efficiently and last longer due to cooler running temperatures. Basically you open the pump housing up and remove the motor. Underneath the motor (depending on pump) is the air chamber where all the air passes through before it goes out the outlet of the pump. Most air chambers only have a small hole/ gap for the air to flow through. If you make the holes bigger then more air can pass through the pump.

You can drill out the inside of the outlet pipe. The outlets on most big pumps are about 1 inch diameter on the outside and 1/2inch diameter on the inside. You can use a drill bit and make the hole slightly bigger and you get more air.

The final way to increase air flow is to add more air intake holes in the pump. You find where the air goes into the pump and add a couple more holes. The intake hole is usually covered by a foam filter and cover.
If you do add more holes to the intake, the pump will make more noise so don't do it unless you really need more air and can tolerate the extra noise.

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