cuba408 said:How many cory fish can i place in a 50 gallon tank with 5 small fancy goldfish
cuba408 said:the tank is at a constant 78 degrees and ive got plenty of filtration. what im asking it how many should i place in a 50 gallon tank with 5 VERY SMALL GOLDIES?
Hi cuba408
The problem with your idea is not that the combination would not work; it's that it wouldn't work for very long. Even small goldfish will grow quickly in a nice roomy tank like yours and soon outgrow it.
I had some goldfish, corys, a weather loach and an African Clawed Frog together in a 55 gallon tank for a while, but within a year I had to give most of them away. They had grown too big and I ended up having to do almost daily water changes to maintain them.
The other fish could not get enough food either, because the goldys were constantly searching the bottom for bits that fell. It just did not work out over time.
On the other hand, there are some species of corys that are traditionally kept with goldfish and it you are willing to do the work involved and see that they are getting enough to eat they would be fine, at least until the goldfish get too big.
These species are C. aeneus and C. paleatus. They enjoy the cooler water that other corys do not. If you wanted to lower it to 72 degrees they would be OK.
Please think this idea over carefully and let me know what you decide.