How Many/what Size Goldfish?

Daz4321 - that image has been worked on, probably Photoshop. If you look closer you'll see the marks round the edges. Blue background gives it away too. Thanks for your advice though. And Dbanner x
So I've been sold a comet that is only suitable for a pond?? From a centre that had a load of pond fish at one end and tank fish at the other! i don't understand. Where do I go from here then?
I can't guarantee the authenticity of any image or any advice just trying to prove my point that what one person would say is ok is not necessarily the best for the fish.
Unfortunately fish stores in the most part are only interested in one thing sales, if that means selling an unsuitable fish that will live a short life in cramped conditions or unsuitable conditiones and die prematurely then that just means they can sell you another sooner. The comet will need to be rehomed into a pond or at the very least took back to the store for a refund if they will, after all buyer beware and all that.


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So I've been sold a comet that is only suitable for a pond?? From a centre that had a load of pond fish at one end and tank fish at the other! i don't understand. Where do I go from here then?

You should return the comet and get a refund.
When I said 2-3 orandas, I mean in total counting the one you already have.
So if you want 2, just get one more.

A pair of orandas will be happy in your tank.

And daz, besides that photoshopped picture, your "proof" about fish hormones is irrelevant.
They are talking about koi fish in a pond, and it is about the fish immune system, not to what you referred to as fish hormones stunting growth.
And the essay itself only further proves my point. It states that adequate overfiltration will prevent this, and adding activated carbon removes "hormones"

Bublbubl, if you get two orandas, a filter for a 75 gallon tank, stuff it with media, add carbon, and do good weekly water changes, the fish will be happy and healthy :good:


Sorry, I can't take this picture seriously.
That is a picture of Bruce, the world's biggest goldfish, holding a Guiness World Record for it. It's an outlier.

That's like adopting a child and then saying it will grow as big as Robert Wadlow (world's tallest man, 8ft 11 inches)
Ok, what will happen to the comet if it continued to live in my tank? X

Ok, what will happen to the comet if it continued to live in my tank? X
I have edited out all the rude messages and pages and pages of googled information, anyone can use google, we don't need all of it posted in the thread. If I have to come back to this thread because someone is being rude or forcing their ideas.. I will just lock the thread.

This works both ways because daz wasn't incorrect in everything he said/quoted, overstocking a tank will stunt the growth of the fish and shorten their lifespan, through water quality and the release of hormones into the tank, this isnt news to anyone as it has been researched. All of you have your opinions and there is nothing wrong with a debate but you need to learn when to agree to disagree.

That said... the Comet will outgrow the tank in time, I personally wouldnt be adding any more fish, I would keep that fish until spring and when it starts warming up... I would find someone with a pond for it to go in, it's probably a little cold to put it outside now but it will be fine until spring.

Don't mix Orandas and Comets together, Comets are far too fast and boisterous to be housed with the slow, round bodied bumbling fancy goldfish like Orandas. Once you have rehomed your Comet, I would advise sticking to two fancy goldfish.. some shops sell them slightly larger so you could buy two larger orandas so the tank doesn't look so empty.

Goldfish do have a tendancy to eat smallerfish that fit in their mouths, this is a fact... WCMM being one of the smallest coldwater fish you are likely to find would be very likely eaten.
Thank you, I hope I hadn't said anything rude.
I'm still a little confused as to why all the pet shops sell these goldfish to people like me? I've always had comets in my tank. The shop I bought this particular one actually specialised in ponds and had loads of pond fish too. This fish was in a tank. Is it well known that they are pond fish of is it differences of opinions?
Several reasons why really...

Yes, you could feasibly (sp) keep comets in the tank, just not for very long.

and other than that... its a shop not an advisory service of some kind... You dont go into Tescos or Sainsburys and ask some shop worker which indredients to buy and how to cook the recipe.

A shop is just that, they sell things and do their best to make sure people dont kill them. As soon as the fish have left the shop, they are no longer the shops responsibility.

Shops are really having to draw the line, I mean.. where do they start giving you information? You could be there for hours listening to descriptions of fish... thisis why it is just so important to do research, talk to fish shops but use books and the internet... people generally do research on breeds before choosing a dog... and yet people find it so hard to comprehend that they should research before buying any animal!!

Not a nag at you, I just work in a fish shop and I spend hours every day talking to people about fish and about 80% of the time people glaze over before I actually tell them about the fish.. all they want is a yes or no (and generally 'no' doesnt go down very well and have had to deal with some very abusive customers!). I love encouraging people into the hobby and maybe a bit of an oddball as fish shop workers go... but I try my best :) try and get customers to come to this forum whenever possible.
How will I know when this comet needs to move on to a pond?
To be honest, I know you guys have advised me to take it back to the shop but I think that would be the worst thing I could do! Obviously the shop will just sell it on to someone else who could have less knowledge than me!!!
I will make sure that the fish (my son named him Magley) gets to the correct home.
It seems happy at the moment, water levels are good, he's got plenty of room. I will keep him on his own for now until I can find an experienced fish keeper with a pond. Then I will get 2 orandas that hopefully will live long happy lives.
Thank you all for your help :)

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