how many times?

i just got one for a 2.5 gallon with a betta . im just not sure
It depends on how big he is.
I feed mine full grown guy twice a day.
Usually 1 cube of tubafix worms each time.
I feed him guppies, 1 a day, give or take as I tend to throw in 6 at a time.
feeder goldfish once and awhile, I'll buy 6 and he'll eat em al in a week, so one a day or so.
I also feed mine reptile bites a few times a week, usually 2-3.
Basically feed him enough that his stomach doesnt begin to cave in, and not so much that it looks like he's going to explode.

If yours is a small one, I would feed him tubafix worms cubes, just break them up into small pieces first.
Oh, and I use a claw to feed my frog, works really well, you dont have to stick your hand in the tank and get your arm all wet. :S

Your betta may harm your frog and vice versa.
If your frog is small most likely the betta will attack him.
If he doesnt, he will when he gets bigger.
Superjalami, I think you're referring to an African Clawed Frog. Whole different critter.

My ADFs are fed every other day on frozen bloodworms. They also live with a Betta, and have lived with Bettas the entire time they've lived with me (more than 6 months). Feed them in the evening, as they are nocturnal, and more likely to notice their food in the evenings than during the day.

On the Betta note...I haven't had problems with keeping them with Bettas, except for one male who got irritated by them and nipped at them. They have been kept successfully with males and with females, and are currently living very happily with a male Betta. As your frog will stay about an inch long in body length for his or her entire life if it is indeed an ADF (make sure it is before you keep it with the Betta, or bad things will happen), he will be harmless to all but very young or very small fish, though he may try to eat Ghost Shrimp.

**edit** forget EVERYTHING I said. :blink:

Ya, hmmm..... :S

I feed my "ADF's" the same as Kiarra, bloodworms, tubifex worms, pellots (shrimp, brine shrimp, bottom feeder pellots etc etc).
They occasionally take a guppy fry or two as well, ones that I dont rescue from the main tank that is.

As for housing dwarfs and betta's, it really depends on the betta.
I tried it awhile back, and my betta seemed fine for a few days, but then one day I watched him start to get very aggresive with the frog, then ultimatly, before I could get a net in the tank he mauled my dwarf frog.
Some people have had success housing the two species together, some havent.
You'll just have to try and see what happens.
Whether or not ADF's can be housed with fish at all is still an ongoing debate at my frog forum. I mentioned keeping ADF's with fish once on a thread I started there, and the argument ensuing is now 2 pages long and counting. :dunno:
It really just depends on the betta I think.
Obviously some dont like company.
(mine did atatck and maul my dwarf frog)
Others have said the same thing.
Still, others say that in their experience its worked.
No debate.
Just plain and simple "try and see what happens" advice. :D

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