How Many Times A Day To You Feed Your Betta?

Once a day. I feed pellet food. About once a week, I skip feeding for a day. Next time we have peas, I'm going to see if Chase likes them. :good:
Alternate pellets every other day, twice a day in small amounts, and augment with live/frozen foods in between. Skip on Sunday.
pellets monday wednesday friday, blood worms tuesday, brine shrimp flakes thursday, a pea saturday and fast sunday. same for my community tank except tropical fish flakes instead of pellets and they get some algea waffers/shrimp pellets at night.
I feed mine pallets 2 times a day, then once a week they all blood worms and a pea. If one looks a little bloated they get put on a fast for a day followed by a pea.
I feed all my Fish,bettas included.
Every other day and Alternate between Flake, pellets, Live Food and Frozen
Usually a small amount twice a day, skipping one or two days a week. At the moment tho I'm trying to get him to eat pellets and he's being stubborn... so none!

It's only day two tho.. give it a couple more.. :D
For my breeders 2x a day and skip for 1 day after 100% water change, for the others 1 x a day and skip for 1 day after 100% water change, for fighter plakads every other day.

No pellets only Tubifex, Bloodworms and Mosquito Larvae
Usually pellets once per day. Skip a feeding one day per week, but the day varies. Sometimes blood worms as a treat. A pea occasionally--but they don't seem to like them very well.

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