How many times a day to feed?

As long as they have daphnia in there diet that should take care of digestion, mine would go mad if i didn't feed them for a day.
"mine would go mad if i didn't feed them for a day"

oh, they do- you should hear the language coming from my livebearers' tank :lol:

probably it depends on what kind of fish you have too. i've only got a small selection of livebearers so reckon they can spend a day picking over the algae. and my corys in the other tank can clean up the gravel.
I fast my community planted tank every now and then, but the fish have loads of plants to graze on. I tried once to fast my big tank with the oscar but he wasn't haveing any of that and started throwing sand at the glass until I came to feed them. (it's something that he does now when he wants some attention from me)
Livebearers eat veg and meat based foods so for a good healthy diet for them you should feed them fish flakes every day, cooked de-shelled peas or algae wafers once every 2-3 days and high protein based foods like freezedried daphinia/bloodworms/tubifex/krill etc once every 4days for a good diet :)
I never fast my fish exactly, but i have started just feeding them one meal on a sunday instead of 2 and they seem tohave benifetted from this.

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