How Many Tanks Do You Have And How Many Do You Want?

was gonna say thats a fair tank!!

well, not like a 7footer isnt lol but i think thats about 4 feet wide.

frees not too shabby either, and i thought i got a bargain with my 6ft.

will the floor need reinforcing?
6 tanks - 300L community, in the process of setting that one up. 200L community, 100L community, 100L krib tank, 30L bumblebee gobie tank ( they will be moved into a bigger tank soon) 30L betta tank and a 50L goldfish tank.

Ideally I would like to get down to 3 tank (community, cichlid and marine), but that's a very long term project.
I currently have two running, one 29 gallon and one 55 gallon. The 29 is my planted and the 55 is just a community. I want to turn the 55 into a planted rainbowfish tank. I also have a 29 gallon that is sitting around, waiting for money to be put to use)

I hope to add a few more in the coming years. I'd like a 40 gallon breeder to make into my planted tank. To use one 29 gallon as a low-tech planted discus tank with 2-3 discus in it and to use my other 29 gallon (possibly another 40-breeder) into a FOWLR salt setup or possibly a nano-reef. I would also really like to get into breeding so several 10, 15 or 20 gallon tanks would be nice for those.

But my girlfriend doesn't know about any of these plans!!!
will the floor need reinforcing?

We have concrete floors luckily ;)

I'm still in two minds whether to get it or not. It'd mean either setting it up in my already cramped dining room, or moving stuff out of the dining room into the living room, and selling my 6ft tank out of there (and keeping Mick's).

Cant decide. It'd also mean making a stand, bodging some sort of lighting system up, and getting another new filter on top of the one I already need to buy - so not really that much of a bargain when I work it all out lol. Unless I use the FX5, bodge the T5s off the 6ft one to fit, and then just sell on the 6ft as just a tank and stand. Hmmph. Anyhoo, Mick's off to look at it tomorrow - he quite rightly says if someone's giving up fishkeeping, and they have a 7ft tank to get rid of, they might have some extras for sale too, lights/filters perhaps.
1x 29 Gallon. (want to make it a planted tank. lack of funds. blahhh.... :( )
1x 20 Gallon.
1x empty 20 Gallon.
3x 10 Gallon, 2 are empty.
1x 2.5 Gallon
1x 1 Gallon
Fish Bowls, etc...
well, that's what's in my house at least.

a nice 125 Gallon would do it for me...
and a 55-75 Gallon Pirhana tank would be nice too... :)
will the floor need reinforcing?

We have concrete floors luckily ;)

I'm still in two minds whether to get it or not. It'd mean either setting it up in my already cramped dining room, or moving stuff out of the dining room into the living room, and selling my 6ft tank out of there (and keeping Mick's).

Cant decide. It'd also mean making a stand, bodging some sort of lighting system up, and getting another new filter on top of the one I already need to buy - so not really that much of a bargain when I work it all out lol. Unless I use the FX5, bodge the T5s off the 6ft one to fit, and then just sell on the 6ft as just a tank and stand. Hmmph. Anyhoo, Mick's off to look at it tomorrow - he quite rightly says if someone's giving up fishkeeping, and they have a 7ft tank to get rid of, they might have some extras for sale too, lights/filters perhaps.

definately worth checking it out and replacing a 6ft with a 7ft is always a good move so that wouldnt be so bad.

do you know the other dimensions?

oh i jus realised how heavy thats gonna be to carry lol.
7 x 2 x 2, so basically a foot bigger than mine.

I dont have to carry anything, I is a girl :D And the gent selling it has offered to drop it off for us too - so that's hiring a van out of the plan!
LOL, Mick and his brother said the same about the 6ft this morning!

He's been to see it, it's been sitting in the bloke's garden for a couple of months and is therefore filthy, but it's watertight, it was resealed a year ago.

Now I just have to work out how to bodge up a stand - any suggestions (cheap ones!)?
Six tanks too:

2 x 72 litre
1 x 70 litre
2 x 40 litre
1 x 30 litre

All planted community tanks - the smaller ones with guppies and platys and their fry. I think I've finally got on top of the platy population explosion by separating the boys from the girls. Have done the same for the guppies but those girlies sure have got a lot of sperm stored up for later :rolleyes: - and I still get fooled by late developing males :crazy:

Am planning on getting a new 200 litre (or thereabouts), moving half the growing fry into the 70 litre and de-commissioning two of the smaller tanks - but have already caught myself pondering about cherry shrimp for the 30 litre :shout:
LOL, Mick and his brother said the same about the 6ft this morning!

He's been to see it, it's been sitting in the bloke's garden for a couple of months and is therefore filthy, but it's watertight, it was resealed a year ago.

Now I just have to work out how to bodge up a stand - any suggestions (cheap ones!)?

lots of breeze blocks and a really thick board of wood for the tank to sit on will do the job jus fine and shouldnt cost much at all.

you can jus build something to go round it then (kinda like a fireplace guard or radiator cover i guess) to hide the bricks but keep easy access to anything underneath.
Yeah that was one of the options, probably the quickest and easiest. The other was to rick up a stand out of 4 x 2, got the plans of the Garf website, but I thought 4 x 4 might be better if we went down that route. But to get it set up quickly and cheaply, and safely, I think breeze blocks are a good idea. Could always run a little curtain round it or something until hubby could DIY a cover of some description.

Do you reckon the 6ft luminaires will do for a 7ft tank if I make two brackets for them to sit on? I dont want it super-light as it's for my plecs. Hmm. Maybe I should start my own thread lol - well, I will when I get it ;)
should be fine i reckon.

i have a single 4 foot tube on my 6ft now and it does the job ok. its not super bright and i dont think plants would grow but its fine for viewing. well, youve seen the pics anyway.
Right now?

3x betta tanks
1x 10 gallon
1x 38 gallon

what do I plan to do in the future?

be a super rich business man and get a tank like that "behemoth tank" in the planted thread :shifty:

but that's not fun. I like to keep my tanks centralized and make them myself. My true plan?

1x 200-300g oddball predator with rays, an arrowana, ornate, one fire and one tyre track eel, and a full BGK
1x 200-300 community. Super overstocked on tetra. and I mean overstocked. :shifty: but super heavily planted and filtrated.
1x 200-300 Brackish. I want a super mudskipper community :hyper:

1x 38 gallon, mine how it is is good.
1x Marine nano
1x FW nano.

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