How many red cherry shrimps with a betta and 6 neon tetra?

I'm terrified of shipping live animals, but if you're ever in VA, I'm happy to give you a bunch to take back with you.
I understand, but shrimp are really easy....just throw in a clump of plants for them to cling onto, double bag, priority UPS....during warm weather, of course...and I'll keep it in mind, if I'm ever up that way!
If you add shrimp, I don't think you need a bottom feeder. They do a pretty good job of cleaning the bottom in my experience once there are enough of them.

On the betta, neon tetra question: make sure there isn't too much chasing or nipping going on. Also, watch the betta for fin rot or tears in his fins. That could indicate a problem. Also, if the betta seems to spend a lot of his time hiding, that would indicate stress.

I would plan on rehoming the tetras to your new tank whenever you get it. The betta will love having the tank to himself. My betta shared a 10G with six Harlequin Rasbora for a while and he seemed ok but was hiding a lot. I moved him to his own 5G and he's been much happier and bolder.
Thanks for the advice, I haven’t noticed any nipping and have been watching closely but the betta does seem to prefer hanging out in the wisteria or in the corner of the tank so I’ll keep monitoring and if he isn’t out of his shell soon I’ll move into a new tank more quickly.
The only bottom feeders I can think of are possibly pigmy cories and Otocinclus catfish

Otocinclus catfish are really sensitive to any changes in water chemistry, they are mostly kept by more experienced fish keepers. If you want to keep them you have to make sure your aquarium is really stable and balance.

You can add around 6 Pygmy Corydoras in your tank and they should be fine. They are really tiny.

You can also try Thai micro crabs but they are an invertebrate and are not as commonly available in fish stores.

Hello again.

Do you think that 6 pygmy corydora could co-inhabit a 25l tank with a betta and 6 neon tetra?
Or would this be over stocking?

I have been watching the betta since I added some extra plants and he is definitely exploring more, laying about in the wisteria plants and under the red root floater I added. He looks peaceful, but I will continue to monitor.

Hello again.

Do you think that 6 pygmy corydora could co-inhabit a 25l tank with a betta and 6 neon tetra?
Or would this be over stocking?

I have been watching the betta since I added some extra plants and he is definitely exploring more, laying about in the wisteria plants and under the red root floater I added. He looks peaceful, but I will continue to monitor.


Yes I believe you will be able to house 6 of them since they are really small, but you will be reaching your limit as far as stocking levels go. I would not add anything else in your aquarium after you add the 6 pygmy Corydoras. I would say if you are getting plants to get fast growing plants since they take up the fish waste produced by your fish the fastest.

Make sure you keep up on water changes and test the water at least once a week for 1 month after adding the 6 Pygmy pygmy corydoras to make sure everything is ok.

Yes Bettas love when you change up their tank by adding or moving decorations they love to explore! That is good you have plants like Wisteria and Red root Floaters bettas love them, they are easy to care for, and are great at absorbing nutrients and waste in the water.

Hope everything goes well! Good-luck!
Hello again.

Do you think that 6 pygmy corydora could co-inhabit a 25l tank with a betta and 6 neon tetra?
Or would this be over stocking?

I have been watching the betta since I added some extra plants and he is definitely exploring more, laying about in the wisteria plants and under the red root floater I added. He looks peaceful, but I will continue to monitor.

A 25L tank is essentially a 6g tank. 2 Pygmy corys, 6 neon tetras, and a betta would be way overstocked.

A single betta in that tank, along with maybe some cherry shrimp, would be good for a 6g tank.

Neon tetras need a minimum tank size of 20g long. Pygmy corys can get by in a tank as small as a 10g, but as always, bigger is better.
I wouldn't add them. I think a betta and six neons is enough for that size tank personally.
A 25L (6g) tank is way to small for a group of a Neon Tetras.

It is recommended to keep Neon Tetras in a tank no smaller than 60cm x 30cm (24 inches x 12 inches) (

The footprint of a regular 15g tank is 24 inches x 12 inches. Now a 15g tank is the absolute minimum size recommended. A 20g long is much preferred.

Also, Neon Tetras should not be kept with Betta fish. Betta fish are no community fish and shouldn’t be kept as such. Neon Tetras are known to be nippy. They also have brightly colored bodies, which Bettas tend to chase.

It’s just not a good idea...
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