Black Ops like MW2 is poor, for a number of reasons I will list why I hate both but more specifically Black Ops. Unfortunately my flat mates love it and I prefer real war games like the classics of BF2 and BF2142.
1) Matchmaking hasn't improved at all, you get a laggy person hosting you then rearrange for a new host and then you wait through all the loading screens only to get "Error game session ended" and you have to start again. This can go on for many times before anything happens.
2) Lag... Lagging even when everyones connection is apparently fine, you nail the crap out of someone and nothing happens they turn around and then teleport (lag) around you and knife you.
3) Knifing... It's a knife... not a bloodly lance! Over powered and more useful than a gun in close range, you also don't take and speed reduction whilst being shot. Pretty sure being shot in the face or chest would prevent me running across a room dolphin diving to knife someone.
4) Perks... Always hated them always will, I love the attachment system but hate perks, how is increased sponge properties to absorb bullets fair? After all half your bullets claim to hit but never do.
5) Hit box, the hit box on BO is absolutely appualing, both me and my friends have experimented with this trying to shoot each other finding that you can one shot someone by aiming near them and not even touch their body and others you can shoot them and nothing.
6) Bullet stopping power, Some weapons specifically shotguns can sometimes snipe people and other times you can pump 3 rounds into someone point blank and nothing, Rifles can be just as poor you can use a high powered rifle shoot someone who should die instead without damage or movement issues which they should suffer from they aim up and one hit you from the other side of the map with an SMG.
7) RDX Remote control car... what were they thinking? How pathetic is that, not only does the idea of a remote control car suck it is even worse that with the hitbox issues you can't even accurately destroy one you just have to spray at it.
8) Kill streaks... you are rewarding people who are absolutely demolishing other players with something so overpowered you may as well just give them the tactical nuclear missile. It should be the other way round, those who aren't doing so well receive a boost otherwise you just end up with people on 15.50 K/Dr
9) KillCam... From the hundreds of games I've played I can honestly say about 99% of kills on the killcam aren't legitimate kills and the final few shots are sprayed miles away from the dying person yet again proving the hit box sucks.
10) It's purely a MW2 Mod, little game designing needed.
11) Extortionately expensive for a game in which you probably already own over half of the coding (MW2) can be priced averagely around £45 in the stores.
12) Only a few maps, and some very poorly designed ones.
13) Shooting through objects, anyone noticed you can't shoot through the projector on the Japanese/Korean map? You can shoot through cement blocks and walls in some maps but you can't shoot through a flimsy projector casing. You can shoot through glass windows but trying to kill someone through a car window is too much to ask for.
14) One I've always hated is the hell system, it's a bit like Halos in the fact that there is no health more of a "I'll absorb bullets until the server decides I die" which results in people absorbing entire clips before dying.
15) Crosshair hit, rarely does your crosshair hit sign actually mean you hit. You can see this on your death where you are shown on the killcam, the person killing you rarely ever gets hit even though your HUD was spamming "X X XX X XX" to show you had hit.
16) Really low life expectancy on this game though.
17) Still can't change kits in a game, you end up having 30 seconds to recustomise a bunch of kits or face sitting out of match making and going through the endless loop of changing hosts and being disconnected.
18) Still... I can invite friends to my party and they are normally randomly kicked from the party just before a map loads for no known reason.
19) Over hyped and under produced.
20) Storylines are not interesting at all.
21) Most hilarious one of all! AIMING ASSIST! What the hell? This is a war game not hello kitty's island of adventure. What kind of game gives you aim assist (autoaim in many cases) absolutely awful.
Everything Moochy said above I agree with, BO and MW2 is like playing with lasers.
EA's Battlefield series has always had that true war game feel about it. It makes it a little arcadey whilst it's at it. The fact people think a tank WOW AWESOME! No... really it isn't you can be awesome but there are so many people who know how you shove a potato up your tail pipe. With vehicles and large maps there is a lot more to do and a lot more ways to do it.
Call of duty has always been a game where pulling the trigger first = win, if of course you don't lag have an unfortunate run in with the hitbox issue or anything else that causes CoD to be a declining game series. COD1 was just like that, you would spawn on just hold fire to kill anyone, if you wanted to win you would use the Russian PsPH or whatever if you wanted to die you would try to use any other weapon.