How many more?


New Member
Jan 20, 2021
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I'm new to owning big aquariums and am looking for some input. I recently (2 months ago) obtained a 75gallon aquarium. It is cycled and doing wonderful. My whole goal was to add Black Lace Angelfish. Today, I was able to find 5 small ones and 3 small smoky angels. When I told the fish guy what I already had in the tank, he said I still had plenty of room to add more fish.

Currently -
3 albino cory
5 panda cory
3 platys
2 Flame Dwarf Gourmis
2 Honey Gourmi
1 Powderblue Dwarf Gourmi
1 Dwarf Gourmi
6 harlequin rosaboras
Of course the 8 angels that I just added today.

He suggested neon's. However, when I looked at neons, they said a school of 15-20. I don't want an overly crowded tank, especially since the angels are babies. Should I leave it or can I put a group of 8 neons? Yes, I know not to add anymore fish right now until the other's get settled. I always wait 2-3 weeks before adding more after a huge addition.

Tank setup-
2 emperor 450 filter systems
sand (not aragonite)
No live plants
3 bubbler systems
0 ammonia
0 Nitrites
6.5 PH


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Everything I read prior, said that tetras can nip at their fins. I was a little surprised when he suggested and even asked him. He said that they wouldn't. I was also concerned with the small size of neons and potentially being a snack. Granted my angels are babies (1 inch) but they will grow. He's the owner of the fish store so then I started to second guess myself.

I personally don't like neons with Angels
The angels will grow and your tank will be pretty busy. Adult Angels don't like things annoying them and Neons are just an annoyance
The angels will grow and your tank will be pretty busy. Adult Angels don't like things annoying them and Neons are just an annoyance
That was my thought. The angels will get about 6 inches. So while it may look "bare" now, it won't when the rosabors, honey gourmis and angels grow.
Angels aren't good community fish IME. Many years ago I had a pair of angels and all my other fish died/ disappeared.
Angels aren't good community fish IME. Many years ago I had a pair of angels and all my other fish died/ disappeared.
Yes, that's why I was very deliberate in stocking my tank. Right now the gouramis are the biggest fish I have in there. I added the angels last so the other fish can establish their areas first. I have plenty of hiding places with the rock structures and plants (all different heights and some free floating).

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