How Many Inches Of Saltwater Fish Per Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2006
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I've been drooling over saltwater for a bit now and realised I don't know how many inches of fish per gallon is recommended? Is it the same as freshwater? Does the size of the tank have anything to do with the amount of fish? If it helps, I'll use a 75 gallon tank as an example, how many inches of fish could be put in there?

Doesnt really mean much tbh, more depends on the type individual fish & its Territorial/Eating etc habits
I think they say 1 in per 2 gallons.. however that means about the samething as for freshwater.. as in not much :) Carinex
Agreed, you unfortunately cant use that rule of thumb for marine tanks. There are TONS more variables for fish stocking. Size, eating habits, aggression, substrate type, amount of rock, predation problems, and messy eating habits to name a few. Better to research individual fish and see if you're capable of supporting their needs.
There is a general rule, it is 1 in of fish per 10 gals of water. However compatability and all that need to be taken into acount as does atypical body types such as the body type of a puffer. Generally the rule is there but it doesn't get you much to go on.
ok, what about fish like clowns, a tang, damsels, dwarf angelfish, gobies?

In a 75 I'd stick with one smaller tang, one dwarf angel (you MIGHT succeed with two opposing color morphs), and maybe 5-10 smaller nano fish (gobies, clowns, fairy/flasher wrasses). No damsels will ever set foot in my tank as they are the spawn of satan. You could also consider smaller species of anthias/psuedoanthias
ok, what about fish like clowns, a tang, damsels, dwarf angelfish, gobies?

In a 75 I'd stick with one smaller tang, one dwarf angel (you MIGHT succeed with two opposing color morphs), and maybe 5-10 smaller nano fish (gobies, clowns, fairy/flasher wrasses). No damsels will ever set foot in my tank as they are the spawn of satan. You could also consider smaller species of anthias/psuedoanthias

So, that would be about 1 inch of fish for every 2-3 gallons, right? For those kind of fish and the tank size anyway. Keep in mind i'd have a reef with soft coral. Would that change the amount I'd be able to have?
Nah, that wouldnt impact the amount of fish you can have, but it might limit the specific types of fish you can have. Some fish tend to nip at soft corals, although none of the ones I mentioned do...
Be warned though that without specific species your list is too vague to clearly define. For instance a maroon clownfish is much bigger than a percula. I suggest you determine what one or two fish you most want and then plan around them.

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