How Many Honeys?

Hey Alex,

How come you have moved your betta? - sorry if I've missed the thread.

I agree with everything Lille has said re cpd's. I had them in my two foot long and had a shoal of 12.

They have definite safety in numbers and yes, the heavier planted it is, the better. It took mine about two months to gain confidence in swimming about, although I did find them quite quarrelsome but having said that I'm not sure on what my ratio f males to females was.

As you can see from my profile and sig I also own honeys. I have these in my 180 litre. 1 male 4 females.

You could maybe just buy 1 male as a centre piece fish?

Regards the spray bar - why not just remove it? (If you have no betta in there) my plakat is swimming in the current of mine :D seems all the bettas I own appreciate a flow :D
I was hoping you'd pop up in this thread!
I've seen your gouramis and they are just beautiful!
To be honest, you are the source of my inspiration/idea of a gourami...
The betta is now in the recently cycled 20L tank, along with 7 tylomelania sp. (who, had I not removed from the big tank, they'd have eaten every plant in there...).
The same tank has 2 horned nerites and 2 onion nerites, enjoying the algae that was created during the cycling of tank.

He was way too aggressive towards the shrimps (not so much with the amanos, but the red cherries were constantly hiding), so he had to move.
Now the big tank is left with shrimps only, so it looks a bit empty, hence the current thread.
I could definitely remove the spray bar, but I think both honeys and CPDs appreciate the low flow, don't they?
What do you feed your honeys?
Also, did you have the CPDs at the same time as the honeys?
And do you think I should stick to only one instead of 1M/2F?
My honeys are in my 180 litre with a fluval 306 giving 1150 lph and a separate hydor koralia powerhead.

They will be fine in the flow :good:

My honeys get a diet of flake, bloodworm, artemia and plant matter(I've seen them nibble my plants).

Thank you for your compliments on my honeys :D I love them :)

I think 1M 2F is ideal for the tank.

My cpd's were in a different tank, but again in the flow of the nano 40, would easily cope.

Not to throw a spanner in the works of your stocking but have you considered neon green rasbora? I had these with my cpd's. they get bigger than the chillis but not quite as big as a tetra. May be worth a look instead of cpd's? They are bolder, but equally I can see the interest in cpd's.

Some cpd's stock can be a bit fragile, I bought some expensive small ones once that just always looked skinny, not growing well :/

Looking forward to seeing what you do in the nano 40 - which reminds me, I must get around to posting pics of what I have done with mine :good:
To be honest, I don't really like any other rasbora.
I'll try without the spraybar, to see how things are going.
Will keep you (and this thread) posted...
If it is ok, could you please tell me where you bought your CPDs from? Was it online or at a LFS?

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