How Many Fish?


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
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NW England
I am currently getting rid of ich and had a few casualties. I am not planning on adding more fish for a while but was just wandering how many fish you could typically stock in a 200 litre tank?

I know it will depend on the size and type of fish stocked etc, but just looking for a general rule

this is what I have got now

1x pleco
2x black mollies
2x glowlight tetras
3x harlequins
2x clown loach
3x Angel fish
2x swordtails
1x platy

We want to add a couple more clown loach (lost 2 down to ich) and OH wants some phantoms tetras too
the rule is pretty much 1inch of fish 2 every gallon of water so calculate adult size for ur fish and see wot u have left just rmeber u have a plec aslo so depending on wot type of plec u have depends if the 1 inch rule applies plec produce alot of waste and if it's a bigger species 1 it will obviosly produce alot more:)

hope this helps

I wouldnt add any more cloan loach to be honest, they will outgrow the tank you have, whilst they prefer to be a shoal, you will not have room for any more and will need to consider re-homing them before they reach adult size.

As already asked, what plec is it? If its only one that grows to 6 - 8" you should be fine, however if its a larger species, again you will probably need to re-home for the sake of the plec.

Phantom tetras are nice, a large shoal would look good :)

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