How Many Fish?

could you plz stop saying that because im NOT doing that. your getting on my nerves
A 6gal would be big enough for a trio of guppys, either 2females and a male or just 3 females- 10gallons is the minimum for neon tetras so i would rehome the neons unless you get a larger tank ASAP (within a month really). Even though neons are small fish, they are shoaling fish and need a minimum group of 5-6+ and a decent amount of space to shoal, so 10gallons is the minimum for these fish- they are also very sensitive/fragile fish at times, in general the larger the body of water the less quickly its water quality conditions will change so a larger tank/amount of gallons can also offer more stable water quality conditions, which is good for neons.
:sad: you really think so, ok well i will see what i can do with them
:sad: you really think so, ok well i will see what i can do with them

Don't loose heart, your tank will be better off without the neons. If you would like more inhabitants in the tank, you could go for;

2female and 1male guppys or just 3female guppys
3 cherry shrimp and/or apple snails
1 african dwarf frog (make sure it is a dwarf and not a clawed african frog though)

If you filtration is good :thumbs: .
Sorry but I agree with lisa, a 1gallon tank does jack all... and if you had 2 guppies in it, that's just not fair to the guppies sorry... even if you let "nature happen" as you and let the parents eat the babbies, their will be too many babbies to eat...

It'll be cruel and unusal punishment, I'm aware your not adding anymore fish and good job for listening to us, but do the neons a favor? Please get a larger tank and atleast 6 more of the neons... a 20gallon would be perfect! Then you could have the extra guppies and even rear some fry...
yes i supose u could gt 2 female guppies but the to males may fite ova dem because breeding conditions are 3 females 2 1 male bu i supose u could give it ago
so i can only get 2 more females if i get rid of the neons? for there own sake because there is no way i would be alowd another tank my mum wouldnt let me.
thnx for the replys once again :) :)
Unless you have another tank, you're going to be in trouble with male and female guppies. They will produce offspring by the boat load. Unless you can get a larger tank or multiple tanks, I would say that you're stuck unfortunately.
Unless you have another tank, you're going to be in trouble with male and female guppies. They will produce offspring by the boat load. Unless you can get a larger tank or multiple tanks, I would say that you're stuck unfortunately.

Good point, although he has a spare 1.5gal, its not larger enough to raise the fry long enough in to a sellable age. So...He's probably better off with fish that are unlikely to breed.
ok then thanks i suppose i will have 2 wait a bit longer to breed them because its just not going to be able to happen, well thnx everyone for the replys :)

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