How Many Fish?


Fish Crazy
Jan 18, 2007
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Hi i have a 6 gallen and at the moment i have 4 tiny neon tetras i lv them! lol and 2 male guppies. do u think there would be enough room for 2 more guppies because i wont 2 breed them so i would be going to get 2 female guppies if there is enough space.
well what do u think?
I would not add any more fish unless you have plans for upgrading your tank size. Your tank should be sized for full grown adult fish and you would be pushing it. On top of that, you have babies right away with male and female guppies housed together, giving you even less room.
please any 1 else have any suggestions
thanx 4 the reply
You really should not be asking questions in the forums just to hear the answer you want to hear. If someone wants to disagree with me, that is one thing, but I believe my answer was pretty sound advice. Unless you have a larger tank to move the fish to, it's not a great idea. The bioload of the fish would be quite high.
I agree 100% with what theotheragentm said... unless you've got atleast a 10gallon tank don't add anything else, IMO the neons shouldn't be in anything but a 20gallon tank as they like to shoal in larger groups (such as 15-20), and the ratio of male guppies to female guppies should be 1 male to every 3 females (just like for humans :p JK) sorry man I agree with agentm again that you shouldn't be posting here just because you want somebody to tell you to go ahead and add the guppies, I know my male guppy even with 3 females alone in a 5gallon tank killed my females... agressive when it comes to breeding so it's not recommened to put a load of them into anything smaller than a 10gallon tank and even then you need it EXTREMLY well planted...
:sad: i cant believe u sed that!!! all i wanted to know was if everyone else thought that!! my neon tetras are perfectly fine actually and they are doing fine! :sad: :sad:
i dont no how to frase this but, just because your tetras are alive and are eating, doesnt mean they are enjoying living in a 6 gallon tank, i agree with theotheragentm and fate2006, tetras need bigger tanks to swim fast in and have atleast 5 strong shoal.also the usual recomandation for guppies is 10 gallons, i realise you probally are not going to change anything you have at the moment as you are happy with it, but please dont add any more fish.not untill your have upgraded your tank.
i agree with the rest, please do not add any more fish, unless you want to find them dieing off because lack of space and to big of a bioload
Sorry if I hurt your feelings... but still like everybody has said... No more fish unless you want death...
i know exactly how you feel. i get so excited about getting fish! but if you get anymore the chemical balance will be messed up. wait until the neons die or get a new tank before you begin breeding the guppies. remember...what are you going to do with the babies??? :/
:sad: ok ok i wont breed them or add no fish :sad: :-( i do have a spare 1 gallen tank but do u think that would be any help?
i was going to breed them and let nature happen ( parents eating the babies) and see if any survive but maybe not :sad: :sad:
:sad: ok ok i wont breed them or add no fish :sad: :-( i do have a spare 1 gallen tank but do u think that would be any help?
i was going to breed them and let nature happen ( parents eating the babies) and see if any survive but maybe not :sad: :sad:

no sorry, a 1g tank isn't big enough for any fish long term. even for short time it's incredibly limited.
ok :sad: but i used to keep 2 guppies in their and they lasted quite a long time so in some way u must be wrong. i think its a 1 gallen and a half actually not much bigger though . ohwell
ok :sad: but i used to keep 2 guppies in their and they lasted quite a long time so in some way u must be wrong. i think its a 1 gallen and a half actually not much bigger though . ohwell

Well, a human can live in a closet for quite a long time. Unfortunately fish can't express discomfort in a way we can always see. Please read Live Aquaria and try to shoot for 1" per gallon, looking at a full grown size. Again, please don't ask questions if you're just going to disagree with the answers. It's pointless. No one can really stop you from putting fish into this tank or that tank, but we're advising you not to based on your question.

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