How Many Fish Do U Own?


Fish Herder
Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Co.Down Ireland
Alot of us here on fish forums are mad 4 fish so really how many tanks and fish do u own? Whats your favourite fish of the lot!
Cheers :)
I have one tank, it is twenty-four gallons. It is a JAD-very good looking tank. Kinda partial to ,y angelfish or my BN pleco.
I have 8 fish tanks in total though not all are in use - just dont have the room for them at the moment. The ones I do have range from a 15L to 180L, Ebay and Gumtree are forever on refresh just so I can get more (not that I need them!)

Fish wise though, I'm not overtly overwhelmed by the big sized fish and species only set ups (besides my puffer tank!). I prefer community tanks with platys, swords, various tetras etc - fish that skool.

I don't even know how many fish I have thanks to fry that pop up all the time.
Probably around 70ish. I have 4 tanks: 2x10 gallons, 1x30gallon and 1x55 gallon. One of these days I'll count them up lol. coulda asked this 2 days ago lol. I just sold out of my baby fish, and I had 137 of those. I now have about 30 fish left. I've scaled down from 9 tanks to 2
1 Channa pleurophthalma><snakehead
1 Parachanna obscura><snakehead
1 Erpetoichthys calabaricus><reed fish
1 megalechis personata<big><hoplo catfish
1 gibbicep<huge><sailfin plec
1 Polypterus senegalus senegalus<big><senegal birchir
1 Hypselecara temporalis. <small><chocolate cichlid
4 Balantiocheilus melanopterus<big><bala shark
4 4 Pimelodus pictus<big>pictus catfish
1 Epalzeorhynchos bicolor<big><redtail black shark

2.5ft tank,,,,2 Channa-ornatipinnis <ornate snakehead
8 juvi's...floating plants<<salvinia minima/ duckweed / frogbit...<sub tropical>20c at present

3ft tank,,,3 channa marulia><snakehead<grow out
1 Macrognathus circumcinctus><Half Banded Spiny Eel
1 Ancistrus spp ><bristlenose plec

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