How many fish can live in a 22 gallon tank?

Ok so if its a smaller big will it grow?

I research a lot ...but if you know about it I might as well just ask instead of searching.

What kinda problems will I run into with the gouramies? I was told these 2 types gouramies were peaceful?

I didnt think I was overstocked by the calcuations I did on that said I could have 2 large fish, 5 medium sized fish and 10 small fish...

the kissing gourmi is the large one and the pleco....the 6 mollies are the medium and the 6 guppies are the small fish....
Did you know that kissing gouramis cannot be kept in that tank, because they get about a foot long??? That, is probably the biggest problem with that tank. :( Not only that but the Kissing gourami may eat the guppies when he gets big. I say get rid of him or get a 55 gallon
I just have to say that Fish stores are just no help to newbies.....They dont give any information....I asked would kissing gouramies do well with guppies and mollies and she said sure its a peaceful fish.... :crazy:

Right now the kissing gourmi is about 2 1-2 inches long. I had no idea it could grow to that size :blink:

I wonder if I took him to the fish store if they would tank him back?? If I got rid of him do you think I'd be ok then?
How long will it take for the gourami to grow to that size??

I just got the one tank here..and I don't plan on getting anything bigger at the I am just in an apartment and 2 big tanks would take up too much room. I am planning on moving the guppies to their own tank the next 1-2 months.

I was reading that if they are kept in smaller tanks...then they might not grow as large? But still I don't want them to be I guess the best thing to do is to call my lfs and see if they will take him even though I've really fallen in love with him...hes got such personality!!! really good fish!!

Thanks for everyones help!!! :cool:
That sure does sound like a Bristlenose to me, they grow to about 4 inches usually, sometimes 5. If you have a male he will eventually start to grow little "bristles" from his nose area, it's very cute :) If it's a female she will only have short stubby ones.

As for the LFS taking your Gourami back, all you can do is call and ask them, but I'd say they better since they are the ones that gave you bad information :angry: Ask to speak with the owner or manager if the workling doesn't give you the answer you want. And then tell them how the worker gave you the bad info to begin with and that their employees should be better informed, hehe.

I feel so dumb....but I just realized I don't have 2 sailfin mollies...the ones I have are called saffron mollies...not sure if thats the english name...but thats the name here in Sweden. I went to my lfs yesterday and was looking around and saw the real sailfins and they were a lot bigger...and had rounded tails...mine have tails that curve inwards with pretty long tips. Not sure if that makes a difference though tank wise. I'm going to see if my lfs will take the gourami.....if they wont I will call the place I bought him from and complain. I should probably call anyways even if my lfs does take him....I agree it's really bad of employees to give the wrong information like that. :crazy:

I think besides the kissing gourami and the pleco..mostly everything in my pretty much their adult size?

Thanks for all your help!!
Just found out my mollie is called a lyretail.

I think they grow to about 3-4 inches...compared with the sailfins growing to like 6-7 inches.
Hi again,
Actually just read that the lyretail mollies only get to about 2.5 that correct?
Just wanted to update everyone....I just took the kissing gourami and the dwarf gourami back to my lfs..and they took I'm down 2 fish. Now I just have:

2 white mollies
2 swordtails
2 lyretail mollies
6 guppies
and 1 small pleco

I think thats good for a 26 gallon tank??? :thumbs:
Sorry you might hate me now, but i had two swordtails, male and female and the male constantly harrassed the female, i think they need at least 2 females.

She was constantly under stress and eventually i had to rehome the male

Perhaps this wont happen, but it did with me

Hi Miranda, :D

I've noticed he displays to her a lot with his tail....but I'm not sure if it's bothering her or not.

I got rid of the big kissing gourami and small dwarf gouarmi today so maybe I can fit in 1 more female swordtail. I have 1 female baby in the breeding net right now...but it's only about 3 weeks old so maybe I need to get something sooner. How long does it take baby fish to "grow-up"?

I'll definately keep my eyes on them!!

Thanks for your advice! :thumbs:

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