How many fish can live in a 22 gallon tank?


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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Hi, :)

How many fish can live comfortably in a 22 US gallon tank? I've been looking on here and and I did my calculations with my measurements and supposobly I can have 30 inches of fish in my tank. This is what I have right now:

1 dwarf gourami
1 kissing gourami
6 guppies (2 male, 4 female)
2 swordfish (male, female)
2 sailfin mollies (both boys)
1 pleco (really small)
2 white mollies
1 baby swordfish fry (sooo cute)

That's 16 fish....I was reading what other people have in there 20 gallon tanks (mine is 22 because the front glass is curved)...and 1 person I saw had really similar things to what I have...cept they had 21 fish in their 20 gallon. If I do have too many fish right now....does that mean I just have to keep up the water changes more frequently?

I was thinking of getting another 15-20 gallon tank for my guppies in like a month or 2 so they can have their own tank. But for now can my 22 gallon tank handle the fish for now until then? My tank has been going for almost 7 weeks now.

Love to hear everyones opinions!! :thumbs:
Sorry everyone got my calculations wrong...according to

with measurments of:

Length Hight Width
Centimeters 80.00 40.00 31.00
Inches 31.52 15.76 12.21

I have a 99.2 litre tank (says 100 litres on box aquarium came in) which means it is a 26.19 US gallon tank.

So it's a 26 GALLON TANK not 22.

Yep I'd definetly say you're over since it's a newly setup aquarium. Until the tank has been setup for several months you want to keep the bioload low. I would definetly get the other tank for the guppies, especially since they'll be popping out babies every 28 days (each female). The pleco could mean a variety of different types, hopefully it's a bristlenose aka bushynose, if it's not you will want to get that back to the fish shop soon, as it's probably a type that will grow to 1 foot long VERY quickly and they are horrendous poop machines and will degrade the quality of the water very quickly. If it's not a Bristlenose I would see if you can exchange it for one or a few Otocynclis algae eaters, they do a great job on the algae and are quite cute, although they're not very hardy so may not be a good idea until your tank has been well established and not overloaded.

I's say you're overstocked.

You have to consider the adult size of the fish, compatability, territorial needs, swimming area, messyness.. etc.etc.
I just looked on the reciept....and it says its an Ancistrus?

How big do they get??

They said this was a really good fish to get for a community tank....

It's black with like white dots....and on the tips of the tail theres a little white.
Oh changes colors a little..sometimes its lighter...then sometimes really black.
Elisabeth83 said:
Here is what I have......does it grow big or what?
that looks like a juvenile bristlenose to me...i could be wrong though

if it is your lucky..he/she (too soon to tell) will only get upto about 6 inches...although your still overstocked..and even a bristlenose will put a huge strain on you bio filter in such a small tank. Would be fine without all the other fish...especially as they are livebearers.

you could have problems with the gouramis in the future too

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