Just wanted to know how many female Bettas can comfortably fit in a:
<4 Gallons (Probably 0 but just checking):
5 Gallon:
6 Gallon:
7 Gallon:
8 Gallon:
9 Gallon:
10 Gallon:
I have kept 5 in a 10 gallon before with no troubles. I would not try to keep a smaller group. In very small groups they tend to gang up on one then another etc.
Agreed, only the 10gal you can have multiples as you need a group of 5 unless kept alone and personally I think 5 in a 10gal is pushing it, I always say 15Gal min but that's just me
I'd say only one accept for the 10 gallon too. I think, in a way, the larger the better when having female bettas, as they need enough room for territories and you need enough room to decorate/plant heavily too so that they can establish those territories. If it's a 10 gallon you have, and you can go larger than 10 gallons, then I would. A 10 gallon would make a lovely home for a male and some 'tankmates' though
I'd say none in anything smaller than the 10 gallon.
In that you could have 5 .
Females can be feisty & need room to avoid the other females if they have to
So I'm gonna guess they need a heater/filter so it's good then. 1 Female/Male (hopefully half-moon) with 3 male endlers. But I'm using a plastic 5 gal bin instead of a glass one but I'll work something out.
Any more thoughts would be appreciated.