How Many Female Bettas In A 19 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK
Hi, I have a 19 gallon tank with 2 dwarf frogs, 2 shrimp, 5 glowlight tetras and 4 female bettas, i would like to get some more, how many could i have in a tank my size as well as having a happy healthy community.... I have to say that the one betta a beautiful red one is very aggresive and is constantly chasing the others, im not sure what to do about her, would introducing more females diversify the aggression?

are you sure the agressive one isn't a male? See if you look under her belly if there is a white dot.

I am not sure how many you can fit into your tank (someone else will answer that) But I do know that when you introduce the others to your tank (if it is the tank with the agressive girly) then you should move the decor around before adding them, because the one already there will be territorial
I would go no more than 4 more, i'm not sure what the frogs are like and what space they need, but going by general rule i would say that with an extra 4 you would have enough in there.

you cant always go by the white spot, esp on young male PKs as they have them
ok so a total of 8....... what other signs do i have to know if this one is female or male. Its finnage is not long like a males.
ok so a total of 8....... what other signs do i have to know if this one is female or male. Its finnage is not long like a males.
not all males have long finnage, the vast majority of males you see in pet stores are "veil-tailed" which is a long finned variety. the "plakat"(PK) has short fins similar to the wild form of the species. alot of pk males are sold as females as most pet stores dont know that they even exists and asume short fins=female.

the pk male will have more intense colours and a sharp pronounced tip to the ens of its anal fin (the one along the middle of the belly), he will have a wider spread on the tail than a female.

it could be that the fish in question is female and just realy bossy, and adding more females will reduce her aggression, or spred it out a bit.
i once jus recently thought i had a bossy female to.. but in fact is was a male.. and he had a white spot.. but pay attention to the color and the anal fins.. thats usually a tell-tale sign in my experience.. but i use to have 4 females and it was ridiculous.. once i added two more female the aggression calmed down.. and now they pick wit each other.. but not like they use 2...
Well i have just come home from work and one betta is dead - how this happened i dunno as a couple of hours ago it was swimming quite happily, there have been no signs of distress in any way over the last few days to suggest it was weakining.... i can only put this down to two things:

1)This morning i did a water change and by mistake caught its fin in the tube but it got away quickly and seemed unhurt by it all and was swimming around merrily
2) the red girl or boy killed it

I am going to post a photo of this betta as soon as i can to ascertain whether its a boy or a girl as i need help in identifying it please your help would be appreciated..

Jee now i only have 3 bettas left :(

ok here are a couple of photos of this betta, sorry for the poor quality. I think it knew i was trying to take a photo so decided to whizz around the tank..haha
Well now im wondering what the sex is of my other bettas, ok i know the one is female she has a very small anal fin, but the blue one has a medium long one seems quite flowey..... oh dear confusion silly moi
Hi Bronzewolf
"Storm" was bought as a female. She has actually turned out to be a he, HM PK.
He has a very prominant ovi spot, which obviously isn't an ovi spot!!!
I've just changed it woman!!!!
Hope you've sorted all your chores :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes it is. A male would have the extra bit of beard right under the chin whereas a female will only have them at the sides.

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