How Many Discus In 240l Tank


New Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Auckland, New Zealand
I was just wondering how many discus i could put in a 240litre Tank. The only other fish are 3 baby bristlenose and 3 harquelins and 2 black neon tetras. and also i didn't know what was happening to my (not sure of name) looks like a piegon but red and white. It has lots of black spots since i bought them from lfs. I think it is peppering not sure
Approx. 5 or 6, but be extremely careful what you put with Discus. Discus require higher tank temps than what is healthy for many other tropical species, and some species make poor tank mates for other reasons. Although Discus are not as difficult as some people would have you believe, they do require more special considerations than some other fish so definitely do your research.

Peppering on a Discus is usually an indication of breed quality (or rather lack there of). Discus bought from a pet shop are more likely to have heavy peppering and/or imperfect body shape.
Approx. 5 or 6, but be extremely careful what you put with Discus. Discus require higher tank temps than what is healthy for many other tropical species, and some species make poor tank mates for other reasons. Although Discus are not as difficult as some people would have you believe, they do require more special considerations than some other fish so definitely do your research.

Peppering on a Discus is usually an indication of breed quality (or rather lack there of). Discus bought from a pet shop are more likely to have heavy peppering and/or imperfect body shape.

Thanks alot that was a big help
Peppering can also change a lot depending on there surroundings. :good:
If it were me I would keep the bn's and sell the rest of the fish to get 6 discus.
Approx. 5 or 6, but be extremely careful what you put with Discus. Discus require higher tank temps than what is healthy for many other tropical species, and some species make poor tank mates for other reasons. Although Discus are not as difficult as some people would have you believe, they do require more special considerations than some other fish so definitely do your research.

Peppering on a Discus is usually an indication of breed quality (or rather lack there of). Discus bought from a pet shop are more likely to have heavy peppering and/or imperfect body shape.
peppering is due to metals in the water..tap water around 7 ph is ok , but will have other properties in it . will not harm fish but may cause peppering.pale fish .ie; yellows will pick out other elements rather than blues or greens\browns etc..hma filters can reduce this.when you have a happy tank....discus willl school.don't forget to worm once a month and quarantine before adding new fish and add new fish to compliment if adding more fish''don't forget to aeratwe

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