How Many Denison Barbs In A 55g Tank?

According to wiki, the adult size of a torpedo barb is 6".

So going by the inch per gallon rule, if you had them but not other fish you could have 9 (55/6).
i already have an angel 2 bn plecs 6 danios and 5 mollies
You have around 40" of fish already depending on the type of danio and mollies you have so you have 15" left. So you could get 2.

I am a newbie to this though and I only know what I got from this forum and google so someone may want to confirm this.
Denison Barbs should be kept in groups of 6 and up.

Nice use of the 1 inch per gallon rule.

However, the 1 inch per gallon rule is a good thing for beginners, this way they will not over stock, but, this rule is merely a guide line.

What you want to take into consideration is how much ammonia your fish produce, and you filters turn over rate and ability to process ammonia.

Yes, there is a limit on how many fish can be in a tank.

Also, depending on your filtration, the amount of cover in your tank, and your tank mates, that rule can easily be extended to 2 inch per every 1 US gallon.

i have a fluval 305 (thinking of adding another external) it currently turns about 1000 lph i think.
i also have circulation adequate for a 500l aquarium to accomodate for the denisons.
i want 4 ideally if i keep on top of my tank maintanence is this a possiblilty or would it be pushing it abit?
do u think i should add another filter or would 100lph be sufficiant form my fluval 305
Your filter is rated for 260 GPH.

So, 260 GPH/ 55 gallons = 4.7

You are border line, you want at least 5 times turn over and you are at 4.7.

Also, these filters are tested without any media in them, so with media in them, their flow rate is going to be less.

I would either upgrade the filter, or get another filter for that tank.

But if you keep up on water changes, gravel vac every time you do a WC, you should be fine. :good:


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