How Many Days Can He Go W/out Eating?


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Milpitas, CA
I still need some help. My crowntail that I got last week was eating fine the first two days, always watched my hands and would follow me to the top of the water to eat his food. But the past 4 days, he has not eaten ANYTHING. His food just floats/bloats up and stays there the whole day and I end up throwing them out cause I know he won't eat them and I don't want to mess up the water. Someone earlier suggested a water change with a pinch of salt - I also bought flakes and freeze dried blood worms just to test but he won't take any of those either. Just looks at the food and ignores it. He swims around like normal and actively - doesn't seem sick or anything. But how many days can a betta go without eating? I have two other male bettas and have no problem with them. What else can I do, or should I just wait until he realizes he needs to eat? Please help.

Normally about two weeks, Try micro worm or something- i know thats for babies but sometimes it can help them get better, Perhaps you could try brine shrimp aswell to get him chassing.
Either way- Good luck
Can you get any live or frozen foods? What you are offering at present is dried foods and to be honest not very appealing if he's just settling in. Some live artemia is a good idea too to get his hunting instincts going.

My first crowntail didn't eat for 10 days! Then he finally caved when I offered the bloodworms :rolleyes:

Hope her cheers up for you.
Can you get any live or frozen foods? What you are offering at present is dried foods and to be honest not very appealing if he's just settling in. Some live artemia is a good idea too to get his hunting instincts going.

My first crowntail didn't eat for 10 days! Then he finally caved when I offered the bloodworms :rolleyes:

Hope her cheers up for you.

hmmm ok. it's just the first two days he was eating his betta balls just he hates them or something :(
You know how, when you have a stressful time you get on with it and cope no matter what? Then afterwards, when all has settled down you relax.....and more often then not, get ill! Not saying he is ill but it's much the same sort of thing. It can make you feel a tad icky after a hard time. One of my boys I had sent to me through overnight post was great then after about a week developed whitespot. :rolleyes: He wasn't serious with it and it cleared up in a matter of days but it was the stress of the shipping that caused it.
Give him time. Live brine shrimp and live bloodworm are very popular although they seem to manage the bloodworm easier if the fish is small. Try both. Frozen if not available. Best of luck. :thumbs:
I say go out to the backyard or a ditch or something and fish out some mosquito larvae...that way you don't have to pay for anything. Thats what I do. (I'm such a cheapo) :p

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