New Member
I still need some help. My crowntail that I got last week was eating fine the first two days, always watched my hands and would follow me to the top of the water to eat his food. But the past 4 days, he has not eaten ANYTHING. His food just floats/bloats up and stays there the whole day and I end up throwing them out cause I know he won't eat them and I don't want to mess up the water. Someone earlier suggested a water change with a pinch of salt - I also bought flakes and freeze dried blood worms just to test but he won't take any of those either. Just looks at the food and ignores it. He swims around like normal and actively - doesn't seem sick or anything. But how many days can a betta go without eating? I have two other male bettas and have no problem with them. What else can I do, or should I just wait until he realizes he needs to eat? Please help.