How many days can black worms remain fresh


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Dec 31, 2022
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Baltimore, MD
I bought a small quantity of freshly washed black worms today from my lfs. First time I bought them. My Anomalochromis thomasi and Alestopetersius caudalis went wild for the worms. I have never seen them get so excited before. Fun to watch. The lfs told me to keep them refrigerated and to wash them daily in fresh water over a mesh like cheese cloth. How many days will they stay alive? Thanks.
Mine usually run out before they go bad - they run out usually about 7-9 days. It may depend on the volume of water they're kept in.
Mine usually run out before they go bad - they run out usually about 7-9 days. It may depend on the volume of water they're kept in.
So you store the worms in water? Mine were sold to me in a plastic container. No water.
3 rules for any rinsed worms.

Store them in the refrigerator.
Rinse them daily with cool, dechlorinated water.
Keep the water level shallow so they can reach the surface for air.

Edit: When it's too late, you'll see.
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