i bought 3 yeasterday my first ever corys how many should i get to make them happy at the mo they all swim on there own anyway and dnt stay together like how say clowns do is this normal
They don't stay together that much. I've found most schooling fish don't unless they are frightened. Mine hide unless its dark, foods about or I'm doing a water change.
What kind of corys did you get and how old are they?
Corys love the companionship of their own kind and while 3 is OK if you only have a small tank, more is definitely better. A school of 6 is considered minimal by some people, and a school of 50 or even 100 or more is a wonderful thing to watch!
i only got 3 coz at ten pound a go there a bit steep but i want to get six at least its a 3ft tank there in so i think 100 even 50 is out of the question lol